SomatoEmotional Release I
I am writing to give you some personal feedback about my post SomatoEmotional Release I (SER) experiences of last week.
Some background: I am second career chiropractor in practice for three years. (The first 20 years of my life I was a corporate Human Resources-Personnel- Director). I spent 12 years in Bioenergetics analysis doing extensive talk therapy and body work. I have recently taken the one week Avatar program. I have been involved with The Life Training, one of the original human potential self-development programs for 16 years. Incidentally, one of the primary processes in the Life Training uses a very similar dialogue approach to what is taught in SER. My first and only exposure to CranioSacral Therapy came with my participation at the seminars.
At CranioSacral Therapy (CST) I & II last year, I received some remarkable benefits, including the permanent realignment of my deviated septum in CST II, for which I had two unsuccessful surgeries.
I am writing tonight because the amazing shifts I have experienced physically, emotionally and as a practitioner are astounding to me!
On my first day back in the office, with my first patient and during all the rest of last week, I experienced a clarity and connection with them that I had not ever felt before, even with conscious focus. My hands and whole body seemed so much more finely tuned than ever before. The results of my work seemed to be so much deeper with much less effort. I had more confidence, I felt more love for my patients, and I had so much more energy. I really felt like I was flying and it lasted ALL week. I have no reason to believe that this will "wear off" as long as I continue to receive more CranioSacral Therapy.
Prior to SER, I had not made time to connect with some of the students I met at CST II so that we could work on each other. You can bet I will definitely begin and be regular about giving and receiving therapy now!
Since first taking CST I, I have used CranioSacral Therapy on almost every patient I see. My practice is transforming and so am I! I feel confident that I have enough tools to address every problem that is presented and make some improvement, if not complete problem resolution.
I have also gotten an even more holistic understanding of the body, specifically the craniosacral system and its impact on the whole body. CranioSacral Therapy has been the perfect adjunct to my non-traditional, low force, gentle and primarily energy work-oriented practice approach.
Dr. Upledger: Thank you for your vision, your clarity, your willingness to continue to open further and further inward and outward. Thank you for creating a program with such quality and integrity and presenting it with such consistently high quality. I have taken many chiropractic seminars and continuing education programs. None has equaled the quality and return on time and investment that I have experienced at all three Upledger seminars. I will keep coming back for more!
Melinda: Thank you for the skill and effort you expended to present an outstanding seminar. Your modeling of the dialogue in the demos was flawless, respectful, and gentle and set the tone for us to understand the sacredness of the process we have the privilege of facilitating. Your whole demeanor and presentation make it clear that you are a consummate professional.
SER I was some of the most profound work I have ever experienced personally or have facilitated as a practitioner. Thank you for teaching these life changing techniques so that we can help to transform, as we are being ourselves transformed!
With love, honor, respect and gratitude,
Dr. Fran Assaf