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The Fascinating Practice Of Craniosacral Therapy – Can It Help Us Heal?
The Chalkboard Editorial Team , Photo Credit: CeremonyCurriculums:
The Path to healing is sometimes revealed by allowing your own body to heal itself. CranioSacral Therapy is an ancient modality that supports the body to heal itself through a Gentle Touch to the CranioSacral System in the body and extensive areas of concern. It helps with the overall well being of your Mind, Body and Balance.
Dr. John Upledger, discovered this while helping with a spinal surgery on a Dural membrane and discovered a different rhythm than the heartbeat itself.
The Benefits of CranioSacral Therapy in Women’s Health
H. M. TruogCurriculums:
This article offers a detailed look into how CranioSacral Therapy (CST) can provide significant support for women's health, particularly in areas such as pelvic floor tension, pregnancy, fertility, and trauma recovery. Written as an interview with Heather Hinz, MS OTR/L, CST-T, the article explores how CST’s gentle, non-invasive techniques help release both physical and emotional tension, facilitating healing for women struggling with physical discomfort or emotional trauma. Heather highlights how CST works by assessing and supporting the craniosacral rhythm, helping restore balance within the body and nervous system, making it an invaluable tool in women’s health care.
Treatment of infant colic with craniosacral therapy. A randomized controlled trial
Mercedes Castejon-Castejon, M.A. Murcia-González, J Todri, O Lena, R Chillon-MartínezCurriculums:
This article explores the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) in treating infantile colic. Conducted as a randomized controlled trial, the study evaluated infants diagnosed with colic, comparing a group that received CST sessions with a control group that received no treatment. The results showed that infants treated with CST experienced a significant reduction in crying hours, improved sleep, and lessened severity of colic symptoms compared to the control group. This study demonstrates the potential of CST as an effective, non-invasive treatment for infant colic, providing relief for both babies and their families.
Visceral Manipulation- Right Limb Pain
Jonathan Schehr PT, DPT, OCSCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation- Right Limb Pain
Visceral Manipulation-Leg and Knee Pain
Jonathan Schehr PT, DPT, OCSCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation- Leg and Knee Pain
Visceral Manipulation-Hip Pain
By:Jonathan Schehr PT, DPT, OCSCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation/ Hip Pain
Visceral Manipulation-Back Pain
Jonathan Schehr PT, DPT, OCSCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation/ Back Pain
Visceral Manipulation-Headaches
Jonathan Schehr PT, DPT, OCSCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation/Headaches
Tom Brady Pays Top Rent for Miami Office Centered on Spa-Like Wellness
Anna J KaiserCurriculums:
Barral Manual Therapies Research Flyer
Barral InstituteCurriculums:
A compilation of current research pertaining to Barral Manual Therapies Research.