Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Karen Axelrod, C.S.T.-DCurriculums:
While there are many reasons a woman might have difficulty
becoming pregnant, one reason has to do with stress levels and hormones in the
future mother’s body.
This article talks about how CranioSacral Therapy can
contribute to balancing a woman’s stress levels—and can therefore help improve
Cranial Treatment and Spinal Manipulation for a Patient With Low Back Pain: A Case Study
Wayne Powell II DC and Simone F.C. Knaap DC, MAppScCurriculums:
Chronic low back pain is a common problem, this case study was about a man who fell on his head and neck without any fractures, but his sphenoid bone was treated because of an apparent lesion. Before his treatment he was limited in diving to work and standing still for 15 minutes. After his treatment, he was symptom free. In this case, there was a major improvement in low back pain after performing the Cranial techniques.
Lymphedema of the Chest Wall and Right Breast
Julie A. WhitehillCurriculums:
Case Study
Severe Bilateral Lower Extremity Lymphedema - Grade Three
Mike VoelkelCurriculums:
Case Study
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and CranioSacral Therapy
Mariann SiscoCurriculums:
Case Study
HCT Changed my Coaching Career and Personal Life
Eric KramerCurriculums:
Case Study
Lymphedema of the Left Upper Extremity
Lorna KerbalCurriculums:
Case Study
Chronic Lymphedema of Right Arm
Lorna Kerbal, PT, CST, LLCCCurriculums:
Case Study
Lymphedema of Left Arm After Surgery
Pam McCormackCurriculums:
Case Study
Secondary Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Treatment
Alma Vinje-HarrewijnCurriculums:
Case Study.