Research, Articles & Case Studies

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September 5th, 2014

Morbidly Obese Patient with Secondary Lyphedema Elephantiasis

Alma Vinje-Harrewijn

Case Study
September 5th, 2014

Lymphedema of Right Arm Over Five Years

Arlene Frederick

Case Study
September 5th, 2014

Lymphedema of Left Arm Over Six Years

Arlene Frederick

Case Study
September 5th, 2014

Bilateral Lymphedema of the Legs with Undetermined Cause

Yolanda Lipari

Bilateral lymphedema became debilitating, but was maintained with compression stockings for some time. Patient is severely obese and treatment is sporadic.
September 2nd, 2014

Special Needs Kids Find Calm with Yoga Therapy

Aimee Heckel

Debbie Stone, a mother of a special needs child with autism has now started a non-profit organization to help parents find affordable options for yoga and therapy for their special-needs children. Stone found that craniosacral therapy, nutrition, yoga and breath work eased her son's anxiety in new situations, taught him discipline to stay in one place and helped alleviate his rocking movements. The non-profit organization is calle Pop.Earth
September 1st, 2014

6 Ways CranioSacral Therapy Facilitates Brain Health

Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D

The author discusses the specific effects of CranioSacral Therapy on brain-related problems, including chronic pain; neurodegenerative disorders; issues related to inflammation; spinal column or nerve problems; and eye conditions.
September 1st, 2014

How Cranio Sacral Therapy May Contribute to Brain Health

Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D

This article discusses one likely corrective route by which CranioSacral Therapy (CST) can enhance brain structure through the connective tissue layers, or meninges, surrounding the brain. CST helps improve health and healing by addressing the entire strain pattern in both the biomechanical framework and the neurological patterns formed by the stressor or trauma in the brain.
August 29th, 2014

Perry's Alternative Worldview

People magazine

Pop star, Katy Perry, uses alternative therapies, including CranioSacral Therapy, while on tour to keep "herself together".
August 28th, 2014

Lymphedema of the Left Arm

Sue Corin

Click the link to read the case study. Patient was diagnosed by District Health Board and treatment consisted of Manual Lymph Drainage and class two compression sleeve and gauntlet.
August 28th, 2014

Secondary Lymphedema Post-Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction

David Doubblestein

Click the link to view the case study. Patient was determined to have co-morbidities of breast lymphedema, wound infection, and left upper extremity lymphedema. Plastic surgery for debridement of infected tissues was preformed. Treatment included compression, Lymphatic Mapping, and Lymph Drainage Therapy.
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