Research, Articles & Case Studies
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In or Out of Touch?
Cathy Pliscof, PTCurriculums:
Prominent New York physical therapist, Ken Frey, is interviewed on his thoughts regarding the level of manual therapy skills in the physical therapy profession.
CranioSacral Therapy
Susan DaneseCurriculums:
Article explains how CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle type of therapy that has shown to successfully treat a myriad of problems such as; pain related to a car accident, Chronic ear infections, difficulty swallowing, and complications stemming from a difficult birth. Description of what CST is and why it is helpful in these situations is offered.
Clearing Bowel Obstruction and Decreasing Pain in a Terminally Ill Patient via Manual Physical Therapy
Amanda D. Rice, PhD, Evette D’Avy Reed, PT, Kimberly Patterson, PTA, LMT, Belinda F. Wurn, PT, and Lawrence J. Wurn, LMTCurriculums:
Decreasing pain and improving function and quality of life are important topics for patients that refuse, or are not candidates for traditional medical interventions, and those at end stages of disease. The article talks about treating a patient using a manual soft tissue physical therapy with goals of decreasing her pain and alleviating symptoms of bowel obstruction secondary to adhesions successfully, using a protocol they developed initially to open fallopian tubes that were blocked by adhesions
La Terapia Cranio-Sacrale Nel Cardiopatico
Sonia LovisonCurriculums:
La Terapia-Tecnica Cranio Sacrale si è dimonstrata efficace nella riabilitazione dei pazienti cardiopatici poiché apporta dei miglioramenti all'apparato cardio-circolatorio e all'apparato respiratorio. Studi condotti inserendo la Terapia Cranio Sacrale sul programma di riabilitazione del paziente cardiopatico, ne hanno dimostrato l'efficacia nei pazienti con cardiopatia ischemica provenienti dal reparto di cardiologia e unità coronarica e dalla cardiochirurgia, dopo infarto miocardico o intervento cardiochirurgico di rivascolarizzazione miocardica (By Pass Aorto-Coronarici).
Feeling small: Fingers can detect nano-scale wrinkles even on a seemingly smooth surface
KTH The Royal Institute of TechnologyCurriculums:
In a ground-breaking study, Swedish scientists have shown that people can detect nanoscale wrinkles while running their fingers upon a seemingly smooth surface. The findings could lead such advances as touch screens for the visually impaired and other products. When a finger is drawn over a surface, vibrations occur in the finger. People feel these vibrations differently on different structures. The friction properties of the surface control how hard we press on the surface as we explore it. A high friction surface requires us to press less to achieve the optimum friction force.
Interstitial fluid drainage is impaired in ischemic stroke and Alzheimer's disease mouse models
Michal Arbel-Ornath, Eloise Hudry, Katharina Eikermann-Haerter, Steven Hou, Julia L. Gregory, Lingzhi Zhao, Rebecca A. Betensky, Matthew P. Frosch, Steven M. Greenberg, and Brian J. BacskaiCurriculums:
The interstitial fluid (ISF) drainage pathway has been
hypothesized to underlie the clearance of solutes and metabolites from the
brain. Previous work has implicated the perivascular spaces along arteries as
the likely route for ISF clearance, however it has never been demonstrated
directly. The accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) peptides in brain parenchyma is
one of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD), and it is likely
related to an imbalance between production and clearance of the peptide. Aβ
drainage along perivascular spaces has been postulated to be one of the
mechanisms that mediates the peptide clearance from the brain. We therefore
devised a novel method to visualize solute clearance in real time in the living
mouse brain using laser guided bolus dye injections and multiphoton imaging.
This methodology allows high spatial and temporal resolution and revealed the
kinetics of ISF clearance. We found that the ISF drains along perivascular
spaces of arteries and capillaries but not veins, and its clearance exhibits a
bi-exponential profile. ISF drainage requires a functional vasculature, as
solute clearance decreased when perfusion was impaired. In addition, reduced
solute clearance was observed in transgenic mice with significant vascular
amyloid deposition; we suggest the existence of a feed-forward mechanism, by
which amyloid deposition promotes further amyloid deposition. This important
finding provides a mechanistic link between cerebrovascular disease and
Alzheimer disease and suggests that facilitation of Aβ clearance along the
perivascular pathway should be considered as a new target for therapeutic
approaches to AD and CAA.
Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), RPTCurriculums:
This article talks about Neural Manipulation and its applications and and contraindications. Jean-Pierre also talks about the variety of disorders clients seek neural manipulation that affect nervous system issues.
Scolioses - A New Contributing Factor to Consider
Dr. John E. UpledgerCurriculums:
Discusses the possibility that orthodontic appliances may contribute to the onset of scoliosis.
Subjectivity - Unsound Basis for Craniosacral Research
Dr. John UpledgerCurriculums:
In this letter to the editor, Dr. Charles Steiner challenges Dr. Upledger's basis for Craniosacral research as subjective. Dr. Upledger replies to these challenges.