Research, Articles & Case Studies
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August 21st, 2013
Early Steps of Craniosacral Therapy in Israel
Zvi Karni and Dr. John e. UpledgerCurriculums:
Describes the case of a child who was cranially treated for damage to the skull caused by a past accident, and the substantial improvement that has since taken place.
August 21st, 2013
The Goal of Therapy
Dr. John UpledgerCurriculums:
Discusses the goal of therapy through both the physician's and patient's perspective. Remarks on the healing professions in general.
August 21st, 2013
Diagnosis and Treatment of Temporoparietal Suture Head Pain
Dr. John E. Upledger and E.W. Retzlaff PhDCurriculums:
Describes an uncomplicated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of problems ranging from head pain to cerebral dysfunction.
August 21st, 2013
The Relationship of Craniosacral Examination Findings in Grade School Children with Developmental Problems
Dr. John E. UpledgerCurriculums:
Research Paper undertaken to determine if there is a relationship between restricted mobility of the craniosacral system and the developmental problems in grade school children, particularly "exceptional children" who have learning disabilities and emotional impairments.
August 21st, 2013
Cranial Suture Morphology
Retzlaff, Mitchell, Upledger, Biggert, Vrevoogd,Dinnar, KarniCurriculums:
Describes a series of topics then under study in the areas of cranial pain, cranial suture compression,and treatment of sacroiliac dysfunction.
August 21st, 2013
Nerve Fibers and Endings in Cranial Sutures
Retzlaff, Mitchell, Biggert and UpledgerCurriculums:
Describes nerve endings and fibers present in the cranial sutures of squirrel monkeys, with the observation that multiaxial movement can occur.
August 21st, 2013
Bioelectric and Strain Measurements during Osteopathic Manipulation
Dr. John E. Upledger and Zvi Karni PhDCurriculums:
Discusses the occurrence of a subjective impression of "release" during osteopathic manipulative treatment, and techniques used to record this phenomena bioeletrically and electrocardiographically.
August 21st, 2013
Aging of Cranial Sutures in Humans
Retzlaff, Mitchell, Upledger and WalshCurriculums:
Offers an analysis of a cranial suture in human cadavers.
August 16th, 2013
Therapeutic Value of of CranioSacral Therapy
John E. Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
Dr. Upledger shares history of development of CranioSacral Therapy as well as the mechanical function of the craniosacral system.
August 14th, 2013
PT Classroom - Effects of Neural Manipulation in the Body
Jean-Pierre Barrall D.O.Curriculums:
Nerves are the body's great communicators,conveying vital information between the brain and all other structures.
If a person is feeling pain, it is because the nerves are reporting this information to the brain.Our purpose with Neural Manipulation is to facilitate the body's to self correct.
Neural Manipulation aims to gently create movement and freedom within the central and peripheral nervous system by finding points that are restricting the nerves.