Research, Articles & Case Studies

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March 14th, 2013

UpClose Newsletter

The Upledger Institute

Articles and topics include: Child Rebounds From Pediatric Strokes; Consciousness and Organ Transplants by Dr. Upledger; CST Helps Migraines and More.
March 14th, 2013

Upledger UpDate

The Upledger Institute

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’97; Visceral Manipulation Palpation Verification.
March 11th, 2013

The Power of Touch

Rick Chillot

We have an innate ability to decode emotions via touch alone. Rick Chillot said “We begin receiving tactile signals even before birth, as the vibration of our mother's heartbeat is amplified by amniotic fluid. No wonder then that touch plays a critical role in parent-child relationships from the start.”
March 7th, 2013

Support cells found in human brain make mice smarter

University of Rochester Medical Center

"The role of the astrocyte is to provide the perfect environment for neural transmission," said Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc. Glial cells -- a family of cells found in the human central nervous system and, until recently, considered mere "housekeepers" -- now appear to be essential to the unique complexity of the human brain. Scientists reached this conclusion after demonstrating that when transplanted into mice, these human cells could influence communication within the brain, allowing the animals to learn more rapidly.
March 1st, 2013

Evaluation of behavioural and gastrointestinal symptoms in autistic children after visceral osteopathic treatment

Iona Bramati Castellarin,, Ian Drysdale, Vinood Patel



Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) with abnormal or impaired development in reciprocal social interaction, abnormal or impaired social communication and social imagination. Recent theories focused on the possibility of autism being linked with gastrointestinal (GI) abnormalities. Moreover, the problem behaviour typical of autism might be linked to the underlying medical symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and bloating typical of GI dysfunction.

March 1st, 2013

Visceral Manipulation: How It Can Help Your Clients

Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D

This article covers the session highlights that will be presented at the FSMTA 2013 in Orlando, FL by Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D. Information includes specifics on how certain visceral manipulation (VM) techniques can help your clients. She specifically addresses how VM can help to treat low-back pain, postural distortions as found in the elderly, and how utilizing 'listening hands' you can address specific restrictions produced by the organs.
March 1st, 2013

CST for Chronic Conditions

Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D

This article explains how hyper-irritated nerves of the central nervous system can cause a wide range of dysfunction. These include but are not limited to leg weakness, difficulty remembering, and migraine headaches. CranioSacral Therapy can address and eliminate the nerve irritation thus helping your clients with these common chronic conditions.
March 1st, 2013

Effect of osteopathic manipulative treatment on incidence of postoperative ileus

Baltazar GA, Betler MP, Akella K, Khatri R, Asaro R, Chendrasekhar A.

The article is a description of a study done to determine whether there is a relationship between postoperative use of Osteopath Manipulative Therapy (OMT)and postoperative outcomes in gastrointestinal surgical patients, including time to flatus, clear liquid diet, and bowel movement and postoperative hospital length of stay. The conclusion is that OMT is related to decrease time to flatus, and decreased postoperative length of stay.
March 1st, 2013

In The Spotlight - Interview with Jean-Pierre Barral

Theresa Devereaux

An interview with French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral that is delightful and insightful. A background on Dr. Barral is given and begins with his explanation of visceral osteopathy.
March 1st, 2013

UK Osteopathy Today March 2013 Interview with Jean-Pierre Barral

Theresa Devereux, DO

French Osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral, is in the spotlight as Theresa Devereaux asks him about visceral manipulation and his practice.
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