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Barral Institute Case Study Number: 3 Car Accident
Elia Hutchins, CMT, MA, CST-D, CVMTCurriculums:
Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation
Barral Case Study : 3 Car Accident
Prescription to revolutionize the Physical Therapy Services Market - includes CST
PMR AuthorCurriculums:
The physical therapy service industry is expanding across the world due to the growing demand for qualified professionals, improved ability to provide faster care, and an ever-increasing list of patients who require therapy. Various types of physical therapy services are provided by professionals and they are also trying to adopt some new physical therapy procedures to help patients.
“Transition to novel physical therapies, rising number of physical therapy centers, and growing demand for physiotherapists are set to drive the growth of the physical therapy services market over the coming years,” says an analyst of Persistence Market Research.
Market Competition
Key physical therapy service providers are focusing on providing these services with some advancements, such as:
• Muscle movement is a manual therapy technique that involves the purposeful contraction of a muscle in a carefully regulated direction at varied intensities against a specific counterforce applied by the practitioner.
• Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a subtle method used to relieve pain and dysfunction by releasing tensions that exist deep inside the body.
Neutrality in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy
Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-DCurriculums:
A cornerstone of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy is the belief that knowing how best to help someone resides within the client instead of within the practitioner. Rather than using predetermined agendas, the practitioner uses techniques designed to support the client in utilizing their natural processes and inherent knowing to achieve an improved state of well-being. Neutrality is essential in this client-directed, process-oriented approach. It allows for the moment-to-moment discovery and use of pathways of change that are unique to the individual client.
The Dysautonomia Project - CST and Manual Therapy Can Help
Overcoming dysautonomia is a group project, and ours comes with instructions. We have organized our up-to-date dysautonomia information based upon the stage of your journey to help you quickly find the answers, advice and inspiration you can use. With all of us working together, dysautonomia doesn’t stand a chance.
There are many alternative treatments that have been reported to be helpful for patients including:
• Diet Change (gluten and/or dairy free, paleo, low sugar, etc.)
• Acupuncture
• CranioSacral Therapy and Manual Therapy
Total Body Balancing Manual Techniques to Improve Patient Outcomes
Kerry D’Ambrogio DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTPCurriculums:
Total Body Balancing (TBB) is a specifically designed curriculum based on the osteopathic principle of holism that uses a total body approach to evaluate and treat the Total Body Lesion. The TBB treatment helps influence All Body systems. It is appropriate for Athletes, Orthopedic Patients, Geriatric Patients, Pediatric Patients, Internal Medicine patients, Wellness and Maintenance Patients. TBB balances the biomechanical structure of the body.
Great Article!!
Barral Institute Case Study-Visceral Manipulation, Lower Back pain
Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study-Visceral Manipulation – Lower Back Pain
C. Johansson, Elon University, Elon, NC.Curriculums:
BACKGROUND & PURPOSE: To describe the use of craniosacral therapy (CST) to improve ROM and posture in an infant with post-traumatic torticollis and C1–2 subluxation.
OUTCOMES: Posture and ROM improved markedly in the first 4 weeks. Treatment continued weekly for 6 more months with consistent, though less dramatic, progress. Digital overlays of photographs allow comparative estimates of improvement. At discharge, patient achieved neutral head and neck posture in times of quiet standing and AROM beyond neutral in inversion. Mild asymmetry was still evident in stand-to-squat and in times of dynamic play. The child was discharged at nearly 24 months of age, with no imminent plans for additional CT scans or surgical intervention, to a hippotherapy program.
DISCUSSION: While considerable literature exists on physical and surgical interventions for congenital torticollis, little is written on the treatment of traumatic torticollis in very young children. In this case, CST appeared to be an effective intervention for improving cervical posture and ROM in an infant with post-traumatic torticollis.
Kate MacKinnonCurriculums:
Great Read!
CranioSacral Therapy has helped patients with various complex medical Conditions. Here is a story of a woman with many post op Surgery issues with the help of the therapist and her Medical Dr. she was able to have her second surgery with less pain and severe issues that she had before!
At that time everything felt like pain and that would send off alarm bells in her sympathetic nervous
system. She was making frequent visits to the ER and suffered from urinary tract infections, difficulty
sleeping, significant pelvic pain, fistulas, depression and limited ability to sit and walk.
The Fourth Phase of Water: A role in fascia?
GH Pollack, PHDCurriculums:
We learn that water has three phases: solid, liquid and vapor. But there is something more. In our laboratory at the University of Washington we have uncovered a fourth phase. This phase occurs next to water loving (hydrophilic) surfaces. It is surprisingly extensive, projecting out from surfaces by up to millions of molecular layers; and it exists almost everywhere. Water plays a role in everything we do !! Fascia is everywhere!
CranioSacral Therapy – Traumatic Brain Injury from a Gun Shot Wound
Consuelo Tenerilli, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
CranioSacral Therapy – Traumatic Brain Injury from a Gun Shot Wound