Research, Articles & Case Studies

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October 4th, 2012

Delving Into Structure: Finding the Intraosseous Line Forces of Mechanical Link

Paul Chauffour, DO and Eric Prat, DO
Curriculums: Mechanical Link,

Paul Chauffour, the developer of Mechanical Link, and Eric Prat, a European-certified osteopath, discuss intraosseous line forces, which act as frames for the skeleton, and re-look at the classical approach to structure.
October 4th, 2012

CranioSacral Therapy Intensive: A Team Approach to Trauma

Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D

Tad Wanveer, co-director of the Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services, co-lead a team of CranioSacral Therapists to treat victims suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after the September 11th attacks in New York. This article discusses the sessions, the approach and the results of participants.
October 4th, 2012

Heart Centered Therapy: Assume Only Love – Healing Relationships and the Emotional Component of Disease

Alaya Chikly, CMT

Alaya Chikly, the developer of Heart Centered Therapy (HCT), discusses how HCT helped a client resolve long hidden trauma resulting in her ability to better understand the treatment options for cancer.
October 4th, 2012

10 Techniques to Watch

Karen Menehan

This brief article mentions CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, as an effective light-touch technique that continues to grow in popularity.
October 4th, 2012

My Dolphin Mentor

John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculums: Integrative Intensions,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses his experiences meeting a dolphin named AJ—how AJ gave him the gift of dolphin energy.
October 4th, 2012

CranioSacral Therapy vs. Cranial Osteopathy: Differences Divide

John Upledger, DO, OMM

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, offers a brief historical overview of the origins of these disciplines in addition to discussing the differences between these approaches.
October 1st, 2012

Hospitals Embracing Massage

Kathryn Feather

An increasing number of hospitals are employing qualified massage therapists as health care consumers are requesting massage therapy to deal with certain health conditions.
October 1st, 2012

CranioSacral Therapy...What is it really?

Mariann Sisco PT, CST-D

This article is an excellent overview of CranioSacral Therapy. The author includes current research on various applications of CST for conditions such as migraines, dementia and lateral epicondylitis. An summary of the history of the development of CST is included, as well as details anatomy and physiology upon which CST is built.
September 28th, 2012

Kramer Receives Innovative Craniosacral Therapy Training


News brief on Lori Kramer completing a CSI class and general information about CranioSacral Therapy.
September 28th, 2012

Survey of Lymphedema Patients Treated with Comprehensive Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP)

Jane Ratcliff Hill, PhD, PT, Rhonda King Jarvis, LPTA

This study/survey is available at
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