Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Bodywork Can Improve Abdominal Health
Gay Lacy, LMTCurriculums:
For abdominal health, Visceral Manipulation and Lymph Drainage Therapy are a great combination to bring the body closer to wellness
The impact of acupuncture and craniosacral therapy
Mehl-Madrona L. Kligler B, Silverman S, Lvnton H, Merrell W.Curriculums:
Abstract of a study testing the reliability of the combination of acupunture and CST as treatment choices for asthma, with inconclusive findings as to whether the combination is more effective than each modality separately. Both modalities were, however, found to be effective to improving the quality of life with asthma, as well as decreasing the anxiety that can be associated with it.
Case Study: How CranioSacral Therapy is Used Along with Feldenkrais Method to Change the Life of a Very Unhealthy Person
Ann Harman, D.O.Curriculums:
A case study that illustrates how CranioSacral Therapy is used along with Feldenkrais Method to change the life of a very unhealthy person, over several years of on-going work.
Visceral Manipulation - Korean
Soon Kyu HongCurriculums:
This is a interview of Visceral Manipulation Teacher Ron Mariotti that was published in a Korean Healthcare Journal in Seoul, Korea. The interview is in Korean and is regarding general questions on Visceral Manipulation.
Endometriosis and Physical Therapy
Michele McGurk, PTCurriculums:
Endometriosis is a female reproductive disorder affecting approximately 176 million women and girls world-wide. Scar tissue and adhesions can develop due to Endometriosis. This fibrous connective tissue that forms between different surfaces in the body can distort or restrict the movement of a woman’s internal anatomy. Visceral Manipulation is a technique that could treat or prevent the formation of adhesions and could lead to fewer post-operative complications.
Muscle Energy
Dr. Kerry D’AmbrogioCurriculums:
Neural Muscle Energy Technique (MET) primarily reduces the tone in a hypertonic muscle, re-establishing its normal resting length. Shortened and hypertonic muscles frequently are the reason for restricted motion of a joint or a group of joints. Using isometric contractions created by the interplay between therapist and patient, MET gently re-educates the hypertonic muscle to its original range and function.
Surgical Intervention Averted with CranioSacral Therapy
John Matthew UpledgerCurriculums:
In this article John Matthew Upledger interviews Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D, (a certified CranioSacral Therapy practitioner) and relays the case of a young boy, Matt, who recommended brain surgery was averted using CranioSacral Therapy to find and eliminate his chronic headaches. Also described is the pressurestat model of CSF developed by Dr. John Upledger. Tim Hutton said that this case provides strong evidence for the validity of the pressurestat theory. Matt's case is also a prime example of how our bodies hold tension from every trauma we have ever experienced.
Connection between the spinal dura mater and suboccipital musculature: evidence for the myodural bridge and a route for its dissection--a review
KOUROSH KAHKESHANI AND PETER J. WARD* Department of Biomedical Sciences, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, West VirginiaCurriculums:
Ann Romney, Multiple Sclerosis and Craniosacral Therapy
Lud DeppischCurriculums:
Ann Romney, the wife of the presumptive 2012 Republican nominee for president, spoke about her multiple sclerosis (MS) and the treatments she has used to combat it.Some of the therapies she has employed fall under the rubric of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In addition to acupuncture and reflexology, craniosacral therapy has been helpful to her.
Motor Cortex Communicates with Kidney
Levinthal DJ, Strick PL.Curriculums:
We used retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus from the rat kidney to identify the areas of the cerebral cortex that are potential sources of central commands for the neural regulation of this organ. Our results indicate that multiple motor and nonmotor areas of the cerebral cortex contain output neurons that indirectly influence kidney function.