Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Does the addition of visceral manipulation improves outcomes for patients with low back pain? Rational and study protocol
John Panagopoulos, Mark Hancock, Paulo FerreiraCurriculums:
Active participants were treated for the same minimum and maximum number of sessions per week, one placebo and one with Visceral Manipulation.
Patients that were treated will be evaluated for a secondary analysis to investigate who responds to the Visceral Manipulation.
The immediate effects of sigmoid colon manipulation on pressure pain thresholds in the lumbar spine
Terence P McSweeny, Oliver P Thomson, Ross JohnstonCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation is being used by the UK osteopaths. Pressure pain thresholds were measured to investigate 15 asymptomatic subjects. This study provides new experimental evidence that the visceral manual therapy can produces immediate Hypo in somatic structures to the organ being mobilized in asymptomatic subjects
Specialized connective tissue: bone, the structural framework of the upper extremity
Alyssa M. Weatherholt, Robyn K. Fuchs, and Stuart J. WardenCurriculums:
This article provides an overview of the structure and function of bone tissue from a macroscopic to microscopic level and discusses the physiological processes contributing to upper extremity bone health.
Violence ages children's DNA, shortens their chromosomes
Liz SzaboCurriculums:
A Comparative Study of Cervical Hysteresis Characteristics after Various
Precious L. Barnes, MS; Francisco Laboy III, DO; Lauren Noto-Bell, DO; Veronica Ferencz,Curriculums:
Using Osteopathic Manipulative Technique (OMT), Muscle Energy, Counterstrain and Balanced Ligamentous Technique, positive results are shown in myofascial mobility of the cervical spine. A Spineliner is used to measure results.
Low back pain and kidney mobility: local osteopathic fascial manipulation
Paolo Tozzi, Bsc (Hons) Ost, DO, PT *; Davide Bongiorno, MD, DO ; Claudio VitturiniCurriculums:
Study using Osteopathic Fascial Mobility (OFM) technique, which consists of Fascial Unwinding and Still Point, to show the relationship between and symptom improvement of renal immobility and low back pain.
Surgical reconsiderations in regard to the anatomy of the renal fascia
Nobuki Furubayashi1, Ryosuke Takahashi2, Motonobu Nakamura1, Ken Hishikawa1, AtsushiCurriculums:
Observations made during a radical nephrectomy, showing differences in renal fascia and the retroperitoneal area around the kidney.
PT Classroom - Muscle Energy Technique
Dr. Kerry D’Ambrogio, D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P.Curriculums:
Dr. D'Ambrogio explains what Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) are and how it developed. He further describes how MET can be used in the clinical setting to alleviate pain and dysfunction in the low back, lumbar, hips, knees, and upper extremities just to name a few of the areas pain and joint problems that it can address.
The Therapeutic Value of Neural Manipulation
Barbara LeVan, PT, BI-DCurriculums:
Barbara LeVan, PT, BI-D explains in detail what Neural Manipulation is and why it is essential for nerves to be able to move freely in its environment. She adds that Neural Manipulation is involved in all body functions and without neural control certain visceral activity cannot be maintained. She concludes with information on how Neural Manipulation can help you and briefly on how it is performed.
The Effects of Cranial Manual Therapy and Myofascial Release Technique on Somatic Tinnitus in Individuals without Otic Pathology
Amir Massoud Arab PT, PhD, Mohammad R. Nourbakhsh PT, PhD, OCSCurriculums:
Tinnitus is defined as hearing a sound in the absence of any external auditory stimulus. Somatic or craniocervical tinnitus, which is present in patients without any detectable ear/nerve disorders, is associated with somatic disorders such as myofascial pain syndrome, or cervical and cranial dysfunctions. Craniosacral manual techniques for correcting cranial bone dysfunctions and myofascial release for myofascial pain could improve somatic tinnitus.