Research, Articles & Case Studies
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CranioSacral Therapy – Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)
Consuelo Tenerilli, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)
CranioSacral Therapy – A Traumatic Birth Case Study
Consuelo Tenerilli, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International
CranioSacral Therapy – A Traumatic Birth
What is Fascia?
Dan Brennan, MDCurriculums:
Fascia is a layer of connective tissue that just cover organs muscles and bones. Body Fascia is multi-layered, and it plays an active role in the body. When Fascia is healthy, it is slippery and smooth. Surgeons used to think it was just a tissue that just covered the organs, muscles, and bones. Your Fascia is broken up into 4 main layers: superficial, deep, visceral, and parietal. Great Read to Understand what Fascia is!!
CranioSacral Therapy- Tongue Tie
Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy-Tongue Tie
Upledger Case Study TMJ Tension
Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy Upledger-TMJ Tension
CranioSacral Therapy - Panic Attacks
Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy-Panic Attacks
CranioSacral Therapy – Auto Accident Induced TMJD
Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – Auto Accident Induced TMJD
CranioSacral Therapy – Night Terrors
Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – Night Terrors
The Effectiveness of Neural Mobilization for Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of neural mobilization (NM) for musculoskeletal conditions with a neuropathic component. Neural Mobilization, is a movement-based intervention aimed at restoring the homeostasis in and around the nervous system. Benefits of Neural Manipulation for back and neck pain seemed to help patients!! Musculoskeletal disorders are the second biggest contributor to disability worldwide.
Brain Drain: A Look Inside the Brain's Waste Clearance System
: Dr. Onder Albayram/Curriculums:
A joint research team at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the
University of Florida describes the first non-invasive and near real-time
visualization of the human brain’s waste-clearance system in Nature
Communications. The
lymphatic clearance system is all over the body for different organs, Why not the Brain?