Research, Articles & Case Studies
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On Ethics
Randy CohenCurriculums:
This short question and answer article is about the ethics of nurses using healing touch therapies on patients at hospitals. Available at The Palm Beach Post, December 2, 2007 archives.
Misconduct Costs Massage Therapist His License
Peter SurCurriculums:
This article is about the ethics of a massage therapist in Hawaii. Available at archives.
A New Patient Outreach Plan
Phil GalewitzCurriculums:
How some hospitals are now offering Healing Touch therapy as a supplement to their patients' recovery from surgery. Available at USA Today November 5, 2007 archives.
The use of craniosacral therapy in a physically-impaired population in a disability service in Southern Ireland
Vicki McManus & Maggie GlikstenCurriculums:
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with children is increasing (Nickel 1996). The use of craniosacral therapy is common in children with special needs for relief from daily or weekly symptoms (Sinha et al 2005, Hurvitz et al 2003). Carlson and Krahn found that their sample of people with physical disabilities used CAM including CST because it fitted their lifestyles and because they perceived it to be more effective than conventional medicine for treating symptoms or treating decreased function (Carlson et al 2006).
The article describes families’ reasons for using CST and their perceptions of its effectiveness.
“Our study shows that families perceive improvements in all areas of daily functioning after using CST.”
One in 10 May Suffer From Sensory Sensitivity
Brenda McHughCurriculums:
This article tells about Sensory Sensitivity, its symptoms and how sensory integration is used to treat it. Available at Palm Beach Post October 14, 2007 archives.
CranioSacral Dynamics
Judith A. Fudge, B.Ed., Dip.T.Curriculums:
This is a paper presented at a conference on the detailed dynamics of CranioSacral Therapy
The Kids Are All Right
Clare La PlanteCurriculums:
The article discusses children practicing ‘Peaceful Touch’ in the classrooms of Stockholm, Sweden in 2003. La Plante finds the ‘comfort of healthy touch can help children settle down and focus inward so that they are in an optimal state for learning’. The Upledger’s Compassionate Touch program briefly describes the pilot program in New Glarus, WI. Available at:
Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction
Tad WanveerCurriculums:
Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and how CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to balance and correct dysfunction of the ANS through gentle manual techniques. Available at in the September 2007 archives.
End Jaw Pain
Amber WolfCurriculums:
This is Wolf’s response to 'Letters' section in the May issue. The article, 'Til Death Do Us Part?' was about TMJ. Wolf was ‘dismayed the article didn’t mention craniosacral therapy as a tremendously effective treatment for this jaw condition’. For copies, contact the publisher.
Still Point Inducer
This article is an ad describing still point inducers usage and how to order.