Research, Articles & Case Studies

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April 1st, 2007

Why Incorporate CranioSacral Therapy Into an Existing Manual Therapy Practice?

Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how CranioSacral Therapy how easily and effectively combines with many other forms of therapy.
March 1st, 2007

CranioSacral Therapy as a Treatment for Breach Pregnancy

Karen Burke, LMT

The article describes, in detail, how CranioSacral Therapy coached a breached baby’s position into the proper position for delivery.
March 1st, 2007

Helping the Brain Drain: How CranioSacral Therapy Aids ADD/ADHD

John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, and Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how CranioSacral Therapy can have a positive effect on brain and spinal cord functions. He talks about fluid movement being essential to optimal brain function and how CranioSacral Therapy relieves strain patterns and enhances fluid flow.
March 1st, 2007

Greater Expectations

Sally Wallace Lynch, MS, CD-N

The author talks about her feelings and discoveries during her first pregnancy. She outlines a “pregnancy action plan” for each trimester. As part of the plan, she recommends using CranioSacral Therapy as a means of syncing your bodies and minds. For copies, visit
March 1st, 2007

CranioSacral Therapy Working With the Body’s Self-Correcting Mechanisms

Lisa Upledger, D.C., CST-D

In this first of a 3-part series, Dr. Lisa Upledger describes the origins and development of CranioSacral Therapy, and how this technique can be incorporated into a massage practice. Dr. Upledger discusses the technique in action. While on a business trip, a patient was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. After only two weeks of treatment, his condition was almost completely relieved.
February 13th, 2007

Touch Taps Spine’s ‘Hydraulic System’

Kelly Bothum

A practitioner shows how CranioSacral Therapy heals the body from inside out. She believes ‘everybody has a self-healing mechanism’. An infant was experiencing GI problems. All the doctors said there wasn’t really anything medical they could do for her. CranioSacral Therapy was able to release her pain. Other testimonials are also discussed.
February 12th, 2007

David Halfon’s a Natural to Direct Intensive Programs for The Upledger Clinic

Mary Thurwachter

The article provides background and recent accomplishment information on Halfon, LMT. Halfon talks about the different rewarding work he does at The Upledger Clinic.
February 1st, 2007

Scoliosis and CranioSacral Therapy

Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how CranioSacral Therapy helps to unravel the mystery of the unknown origin of scoliosis.
January 17th, 2007

Physiological effects of a CV4 cranial osteopathic technique on autonomic nervous system function: A preliminary investigation

Kate Milnes, Robert W. Moran

The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the physiological effects resulting from the administration of a single cranial technique (CV4) compared with simple touch. Heart rate variability, respiration rate, galvanic skin resistance and skin temperature were measured, but there were minimal physiological changes observed. One of the limitations of the study is that the technique was performed on healthy asymptomatic individuals.
January 8th, 2007

What I Do: Physical and Craniosacral Therapist

Amanda Kramer

A Wisconsin therapist describes her experiences with CranioSacral Therapy. She was a physical therapist searching for other types of therapies that focused on the central nervous system. With CranioSacral Therapy, children had an increased calm, and improved attention and the ability for the kids to engage in school activities.
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