Research, Articles & Case Studies
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June 1st, 2006
Are Headaches and Neck Pain Ruining Your Day? CranioSacral May be Your Soothing, Gentle Answer
Bob JensenCurriculums:
The author is a clinical massage therapist with his own practice. He points out how lifelong series of injuries, minor and major, and a variety of stresses, both physical and emotional, eventually cause us to suffer aches and pains. He discusses how CranioSacral Therapy reduced and eliminated chronic headaches, along with other pains in the neck and back.
June 1st, 2006
Do Cranial Bones Move? (Ask the Italians)
Tedd Koren, D.C.Curriculums:
The article states that cranial motion was introduced to the osteopathic profession by William G. Sutherland, DO, in the 1920’s. Listed in the article are several others who have continued work in this field. The article also writes about CranioSacral Therapy, as developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. The article sights instances that support the theory that the cranial bones do move.
June 1st, 2006
Recording the Rate of the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse
Nelson, KE., Sergueef, N., Glonek, T.Curriculums:
The rate of the cranial rhythmic impulse can be obtained by both palpation and instrumentation. The literature has reported higher rates obtained by instrumentation compared with palpation. The cranial rhythmic impulse has been demonstrated to be synchronous with the Traube-Hering oscillation, measured in blood flow velocity. This finding provides an explanation for the difference between palpated and instrumentally recorded rates for the CRI.
May 27th, 2006
With the Lightest Touch, the Most Powerful Healing
Angela JeffsCurriculums:
The author relates her personal experience with a craniosacral therapist in Japan. She describes her therapy session in detail and the positive effect she experienced.
May 1st, 2006
When the Inner Physician Speaks, I Listen
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger shares his experiences with two different patients and how working with each of their Inner Physicians, they were able to positively affect the diagnosis of breast cancer.
April 20th, 2006
Skull the Focus of Therapy
Sue CoultonCurriculums:
The business article provides general information about CranioSacral Therapy.
April 2nd, 2006
Neuroprotective strategies and alternative therapies for Parkinson's disease (an evidence based review)
O. Suchowersky; G.Gronseth; J. Perlmutter; S. Reich; T. Zesiewicz; WJ WeinerCurriculums:
This is a review of the literature to determine whether there is any evidence to the benefits of using a variety of alternative therapies to treat Parkinson's Disease. Therapies considered include Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Physical therapy, Chiropractic, Tai Chi, Homeopathy and Speech therapy. All were found to be inconclusive, and a call for more evidence is made.
March 31st, 2006
For Better Client Outcomes, Just Add Water
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums: Integrative Intensions,
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the benefits of performing craniosacral therapy in the water, provides tips on treating patients in the water and about the dolphin assisted therapy program.
March 1st, 2006
Understanding the Contraindications
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses when it is not appropriate to use craniosacral therapy and when an experience practitioner should perform the therapy such as in the case of strokes, spinal taps or skull fractures.
February 1st, 2006
How CranioSacral Therapy Complements the Practice of Massage
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the history of craniosacral therapy and how it is performed.