Research, Articles & Case Studies
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February 1st, 2006
How CranioSacral Therapy Complements the Practice of Massage
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
The article quotes comments by Dr. John E. Upledger on CranioSacral Therapy and how it complements therapeutic massage.
January 30th, 2006
Given the Light Touch of Therapy
Elaine HunterCurriculums:
The article discusses the history and benefits of CranioSacral Therapy especially as it relates to children and the process of birth. The author relates her own observations about the treatment session her two year old son had.
January 1st, 2006
Can craniosacral treatment improve the general well-being of patients?
Silvia Candamil Neira; Robert Elliott; Brian IsbellCurriculums:
The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of craniosacral therapy in improving the general well-being of patients using a single-blind, randomised, control trial with crossover treatments.
January 1st, 2006
SomatoEmotional Release: A Whole-Person Treatment
Alice D. Lindsey, MS, LMT, CSTCurriculums:
The article discusses how body tissues can hold memories and emotions. They can contribute to the blockages that can cause other further physical problems. Therapists can help guide patients through the SomatoEmotional release process of releasing those memories and emotions.
January 1st, 2006
The Potential Impact of Orthodontia on Whole-Body Health
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how braces and other orthodontic work can affect the craniosacral-neuromusculoskeletal relationship to impact the whole body. The article sites a case of a teenager with braces that suffered from scoliosis.
December 1st, 2005
CranioSacral Therapy Releases Hold on Subluxations
Lisa Upledger, DC, CST-DCurriculums:
The articles discusses that CranioSacral Therapy in conjunction with chiropractic can provide more permament relief to restrictions and subluxations than chiropractic alone.
December 1st, 2005
No More Earaches
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how CranioSacral Therapy can help children with earaches. He sites the book Working Wonders, Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy that provides a personal example of how CST helped cure the author’s daughter’s ear infections.
December 1st, 2005
A Blueprint of Lymphatic Mapping
Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)Curriculums:
Dr. Bruno Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT), provides a look at the history of LDT and manual lymphatic mapping (MLM). Complete with visual aids, he offers overviews of case studies, treating lymphedema as well as highlights into studies of the reliability of MLM.
October 31st, 2005
Taming Osteoporosis
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how patients experience the affects of osteoporosis may benefit from CranioSacral Therapy. He states that CST helps bring balance to the production and absorption of osseous tissue.
October 31st, 2005
Come Celebrate 20 Years of Touch at Beyond the Dura 2005
Articles and topics include: Come Celebrate 20 Years of Touch at Beyond the Dura 2005, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Advanced Lymph Drainage Therapy and Renal Dysfunction, CranioSacral Therapy: Utilizing the Pia-to-Glial Connection, The Upledger Institute’s Loyalty Rewards Program, Basic Acupressure and CST: An Integrative Approach to Healing Central Nervous System Disorders. Available online at