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August 1st, 2005
Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Triggers Health Breakthroughs in Son and Mother
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums: Integrative Intensions,
News from The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services, August 2005. Articles and topics include: Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Triggers Health Breakthroughs in Son and Mother, and Dolphin Intuition Runs Deep.
August 1st, 2005
The Natural Effects of Melatonin
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the benefits of melatonin – that is reduces degenerative activities in the brain, spinal cord and nervous system and helps neutralize the proteins that cause the problems. Melatonin also helps the thymus-gland function and the immune system.
July 1st, 2005
Plastination Reveals the CranioSacral System
Julie McKay, CMT, CST, BFRPCurriculums:
The author describes with excitement the Body Works exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. She describes a number of different exhibits and what they reveal about the CranioSacral system and the true anatomy of the body.
July 1st, 2005
Beyond the Dura 2005 Marks the Upledger Institute’s 20th Birthday
Dr. Upledger was quoted regarding the changes he has seen in the complementary health care field since the Beyond the Dura conference started. John Matthew Upledger shared his reflects on the accomplishments of the Upledger Institute in the past 20 years.
July 1st, 2005
A Natural Approach to Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsons and dementia and the biology behind it. He suggestions that hands on therapy like massage and CranioSacral Therapy could aide in removing the toxins causing the diseases from the body.
July 1st, 2005
The Hands of a Healer: CranioSacral Therapy
Jill DeDominicisCurriculums:
Article from the author’s perspective about her first CranioSacral Therapy session. It describes the relief she felt from a number of symptoms including slight scoliosis
July 1st, 2005
Local Healing for the Planet Draws Wild Dolphins and Manatees
UnknownCurriculums: Integrative Intensions,
The article talks about an event at Matanzas Inlet where a group of people gathered for in water CranioSacral Therapy as a benefit for the Upledger Foundation. During the session, wild dolphins and manatees gathered around the group. The manatees were close enough to touch and one allowed CST to be performed on it.
June 14th, 2005
CranioSacral Therapy Comes to Coldwater
Article about a three day workshop on CranioSacral Therapy workshop coming to Coldwater. The article highlights the experience of Jim and Regina Green, the therapists teaching the class.
June 1st, 2005
Changing Hearts and Minds for 20 Years
John E. Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses his belief that the health and improvement of the patient is at the heart of what therapists do. He references a new book “Working Wonders: Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy” and provides an excerpt from a massage therapist. Go to:
June 1st, 2005
Unwind Your Mind. CranioSacral Therapy is Big in Boulder
Elzabeth MarglinCurriculums:
The article discusses the history of CranioSacral Therapy and how the light touch of hands can help release blockages in the system. The articles addresses some of the skeptics about the movement of the skull and if anything really happens during a treatment. Also states that the practice of CST has become popular in the Boulder, CO area.