Research, Articles & Case Studies
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CranioSacral Therapy – Chronic Back Pain
Erin I. Finzen, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institue International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – Chronic Back Pain
Fascial Nomenclature: Update 2021, Part 1
Bruno Bordinid, Allan R. Escher, Filippo Tobbi, Antonio Pranzitelli, Luigi PianeseCurriculums:
In the new millennium, we can find another group dedicated to the study of Fascial Tissue!. There definitely is a special distinction between the term Fascia and the Fascial System, the first term is equivalent to the description of the tissue( mesoscopic and microscopic scale), Fascia is a thin sheet or any other dissectible aggregations of connective tissue that forms beneath the skin. It encloses muscles and internal organs like straps to hold everything up.
CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Torticollis and Plagiocephaly
Kyriakos Karampatziakis, OT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Torticollis and Plagiocephaly
The Role of the CranioSacral Therapist in the Treatment of Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)
Patricia Abby BergCurriculums:
Ankyloglossia, also known as Tongue Tie is a strain pattern of the muscles of the tongue.. These strain patterns may impact craniofacial development, anatomical structure as well as musculature and cranial nerve function. When there is difficulty eating and breathing, the stress felt by the system may result in activation of the autonomic nervous system putting the reticular activating/alarm system (RAS) into overdrive. A surgical release of the frenulum is only the first step in aiding the healing of the total body system.
CranioSacral therapy is a modality that facilitates bringing the body into normal physiological motion and
functionality of the tongue strain.
PT Classroom - Discover CranioSacral Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Cybert PTCurriculums:
PTSD has been part of CranioSacral Therapy for treating the Veterans.
The program has helped these Vets. It's a 5 day program which helps them with anxiety and other issues that they have when coming back from Combat. The results have been amazing!
A Great Read!!
Osteopathy for prolonged symptoms after COVID-19
Sabine Foster-Garn, PT, DO, CVMPCurriculums:
Since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic with the first confirmed case on December 1, 2019, the pathogen has now spread worldwide. In the scientific research work on the disease COVID-19 caused by the pathogen.
Sabine Foster-Garn investigated whether osteopathic treatment (including Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and CranioSacral Therapy) can change prolonged symptoms in post-COVID-19 patients. The following article provides an overview of the results and the assessment.
Interesting Read!
Single Slow-Paced Breathing Session at Six Cycles per Minute: Investigation of Dose-Response Relationship on Cardiac Vagal Activity
Min You, Sylvain Laborde, Nina Zammit, Maša Iskra, Uirassu Borges and Fabrice DossevilleCurriculums:
The practice of slow-paced breathing (SPB) has been linked to a range of positive outcomes, such as decreasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as increasing well-being. Among the suggested mechanisms of action, SPB has been shown to increase cardiac vagal activity (CVA). Slow-paced breathing (SPB), the voluntary slowing down of respiratory frequency (RF), is linked to a range of positive mental and physical health outcomes, such as decreased depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms.
A Systematic Review of a Polyvagal Perspective on Embodied Contemplative Practices as Promoters of Cardiorespiratory Coupling and Traumatic Stress Recovery for PTSD and OCD: Research Methodologies and State of the Art
Andrea Poli, Angelo Gemignani, Federico Soldani, Mario MiccoliCurriculums:
- Baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) has been proposed as a transdiagnostic biomarker of stress vulnerability across psychopathologies, and a reliable association between PTSD, OCD and lower resting RSA was found. The polyvagal theory proposes an evolutionary and neuro-physiological framework that deals with the organization of autonomic systems and has been linked to functional gastrointestinal disorders and chronic diffuse pain and to psychosocial pathology, both connected to chronic traumatic stress during development.
CranioSacral Therapy/A complicated Surgical Case Responds to CST
Janelle Maxwell LMT, CST-T, MMPCurriculums:
CASE STUDY/ A Surgical Case Responds to CST
Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics
S. YamadaCurriculums:
The classical cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation theory has been accepted as an established theory of CSF physiology. It describes bulk CSF flow from production site to absorption site. However, much controversy remains regarding the basic CSF physiology and the mechanisms behind the development of hydrocephalus. In the recent observations made using advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, namely, the time spatial inversion pulse (Time-SLIP) method, CSF was used as internal CSF tracer to trace true CSF movement. Observation of the CSF dynamics using this method reveals aspects of CSF dynamics that are different from those of classical CSF circulation theory. Cerebrospinal fluid shows pulsation but does not show bulk flow from production site to absorption site, a theory that was built upon externally injected tracer studies. Observation of the exogeneous tracer studies were true but misinterpreted. Causes of misinterpretations are the differences between results obtained using the true CSF tracer and exogenous tracers. A better understanding of the real CSF physiology can be significant for the advancement of medical sciences in the future. Revisiting CSF flow physiology is a necessary step toward this goal.