Research, Articles & Case Studies
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March 1st, 2004
Connective Tissue Leads to the Core of Good Health
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, provides a look into the importance of fascia in CranioSacral Therapy and his belief that motion is health, and stasis results in disease.
February 3rd, 2004
How Alternatives Measure Up
Bob GuldinCurriculums:
Dr. Lisa Upledger, a chiropractor and Upledger practitioner, describes how CranioSacral Therapy releases chronic contractures of the fascia and connective tissue and may help clients with height issues.
February 1st, 2004
In Body Mind Healing, Clients May “Release” Without Recalling Trauma
Martha Bramhall, MSW, LISWCurriculums:
The article discuss how body mind healing helps rid the mind and body of residual psycho-physical effects related to a past traumatic physical or emotional experience. These incidents leave energy imprints on the body. During a session, the therapist works to release these imprints to gentle manipulation and dialogue.
February 1st, 2004
Gentle Touch: Discovering CranioSacral Therapy
This article provides an overview of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) including: How CST Works, Benefits of CST and The Foundations of CST.
February 1st, 2004
Addressing the Skeptics, Part II
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, provides his second installment to highlight the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy and the research that done over many years to support the efficacy of CST.
January 28th, 2004
A Variety of Treatment Options Available
The article highlights the benefits of different types of manual therapies for a variety of problems that tradition medicine could not solve.
January 1st, 2004
Massage Therapists and Breast Care: Easing the Controversy
Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)Curriculums:
The developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy provides insights into breast massage including guidelines for Therapeutic Breast Care and Lymphatic Breast Care. Available online at:
January 1st, 2004
When Other Chronic Pain Therapies Fail, Visceral Manipulation May Help
Ronald Murray, PT, ND and Martha Bramhall, MSWCurriculums:
This brief article outlines how visceral manipulation can be used to treat chronic pain. Visceral manipulation can also assist in releasing emotional trauma stored in an organ particularly following physical trauma.
January 1st, 2004
The Physics of Energy in Bodywork
Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-DCurriculums:
Tim Hutton, an Upledger trained practitioner, provides and insightful look into the role energy plays in bodywork. He believes energy passed from the therapist can help a client move past barriers toward better health.
January 1st, 2004
Addressing the Skeptics, Part I
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, addresses his successful treatment of a teenager through his use of CranioSacral Therapy and dialoguing with her organs and immune cells.