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July 1st, 2003
5 Bodyworks that Work
This brief article highlights CranioSacral Therapy (CST), developed by Dr. John E. Upledger. The overview includes symptoms for which CST is used, what to expect during a session and how often is treatment recommended.
July 1st, 2003
To Breathe Again
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, presents the case of a patient with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Dr. Upledger treated this patient with CranioSacral Therapy resulting in the patient being able to breathe without a ventilator.
June 1st, 2003
Complementary Health-Care Leaders Attend ‘Beyond the Dura’ 2003 Conference
Editorial StaffCurriculums:
This article reviews the Upledger Foundation Beyond the Dura Conference which offered a mix of individual presentations, demonstrations and panel discussions focused on the use of complementary techniques in conjunction with mainstream and other alternative approaches for specific conditions. Available online at
June 1st, 2003
CranioSacral Therapy and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Anne Marie ConnorCurriculums:
Anne Marie Connor, an Upledger trained practitioner, discusses how CranioSacral Therapy aided a woman suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after serving as a combat-hospital nurse in Vietnam.
June 1st, 2003
How to Understand Tissue Memory and its Implications
Signy EricksonCurriculums:
Signy Erickson, an Upledger certified CranioSacral Therapy instructor, discusses tissue memory, whole-body diagnosis, energy cysts, arcing, treatment and the emotional component relating to tissue memory.
June 1st, 2003
Upledger UpDate
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura Crosses Bridges From Complementary to Mainstream Medicine, Celebrity Tournament Raises Nearly $33,000, The Visceral Manipulation Report, UI HealthPlex Clinic Corner, Dear Dr. John, Lessons from Sessions, A Hand Saves a Leg and Conjoined Twins Prepare to Part Ways. Available online at:
June 1st, 2003
Applications of CranioSacral Therapy in Newborns and Infants- Part II
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, presents the second installment on newborns and infants. Dr. Upledger addresses deliveries by forceps and vacuum extraction, cesarean section and the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy soon after birth.
May 15th, 2003
A Light Touch Can Ease Pain in the Head, Neck and Spine
Linda StahlCurriculums:
This article discusses how CranioSacral Therapy can provide relief to those suffering from chronic pain and post-surgery complications. Also discussed is a child with a genetic disorder, Prader Willi Syndrome that benefited from CranioSacral Therapy.
May 1st, 2003
Applications of CranioSacral Therapy in Newborns and Infants, Part I
John Upledger, DO, OMMCurriculums:
In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses pregnancy, birth and delivery and the positive effects CranioSacral Therapy can have on newborns and infants.
March 31st, 2003
A Daughter’s Wild Ride
Constance HaleCurriculums:
The writer describes how while riding a horse she suffered a fall and a resulting anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. After following the prescribed treatment of rest and anti-inflammatory medication she felt little relief from the pain. She tried a course of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release which aided her greatly in not only relief from pain but also in uncovering and resolving feelings related to the accident and her childhood.