Research, Articles & Case Studies
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March 1st, 2001
A Doctor with Heart
Patricia KirbyCurriculums:
A pediatric physical therapist began taking CranioSacral Therapy courses from The Upledger Institute. Dr. Fryer has had particular success with CranioSacral Therapy to treat patients with neurocardiogenic syncope, sensory integration issues and eh also uses CranioSacral Therapy on children with chest pain, palpitations and dizziness and on heart surgery patients.
March 1st, 2001
IAHP Connection Newsletter
The International Alliance of Healthcare EducatorsCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’01: Overview of Programs and Highlights, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Lessons from Sessions, Mighty Joe Defies the Odds with CranioSacral Therapy, Finding the Divine Human: A CranioSacral Therapy Dissection Experience.
March 1st, 2001
Cranial rhythmic impulse related to the Traube-Hering-Mayer oscillation: comparing laser-Doppler flowmetry and palpation
Nelson, KE., Sergueff, N., Lipinski, CM., Chapman, AR., Glonek, T.Curriculums:
The primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) as manifested by the cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI), a fundamental concept to cranial osteopathy, and the Traube-Hering-Mayer (THM) oscillation bear a striking resemblance to one another. Because of this, the authors developed a protocol to simultaneously measure both phenomena.
December 7th, 2000
Tip of the Day for Health & Fitness: CranioSacral Therapy
Thad PearsonCurriculums:
A short article discussing the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy and how it often provides relief when other forms of medical treatment has failed to relieve pain and physical dysfunction.
December 1st, 2000
Massage Modalities
Lisa RandazzoCurriculums:
Defines massage basics as well as offers description of various modalities. Features a section on CranioSacral Therapy including comments by Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy.
October 31st, 2000
An Interview with Dr. John Upledger, DO, OMM, Creator of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release
Dennis HughesCurriculums:
Dr. Upledger discusses the origins and applications of CranioSacral Therapy, physical descriptions of the craniosacral system and cerebrospinal fluid, tissue memory, energy cysts, and bodywork in the next century.
October 31st, 2000
UpClose Newsletter
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Upledger Foundation’s Compassionate Touch Program Yields Compelling Results, Update on Current Research Projects and Communications Plan Benefits Charitable Programs.
October 1st, 2000
Cranial-Sacral Therapy: A Safe and Effective Healing Approach for the Hyperkinetic Child
Diane M. CooperCurriculums:
This online article provides an in-depth interview with Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy. Dr. Upledger discusses his work with children suffering from ADD/ADHD (or hyperkinesis), The Upledger Foundation Compassionate Touch Program, and the CranioSacral system.
September 1st, 2000
Upledger UpDate
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Upledger Instructors Teach Multidisciplinary Techniques at FSMTA Convention, The Visceral Manipulation Report, A CranioSacral Therapy Case Study, The Upledger Foundation Update on Current Research Projects, New Basic Acupressure Course Blends Ancient Methods with Contemporary Applications, The Expanding Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Health and Disease.
August 22nd, 2000
Miracle Healing Powers of Dolphins
Lynn AllisonCurriculums: Integrative Intensions,
Discusses research from The Upledger Institute relating to dolphins and healing -- from improvements in psychological disorders to muscular dystrophy.