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August 2nd, 2000

CranioSacral Therapy keeps juices flowing

A.J.S. Rayl with medical adviser Stephen A. Shoop, M.D.

From the Health section of this widely read newspaper, Dr. Lisa Upledger, D.C. and others discuss the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy and the importance of this vital body system.
July 1st, 2000

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT): Manual Lymphatic Mapping And Its Clinical Applications To Lymphedema

Bruno Chikly, MD (France)

From the National Lymphedema Network publication Lymph Link, Dr. Chikly discusses Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) – one of the most recent advances in the techniques used to specifically improve or restore the natural lymphatic drainage of the body. This article covers the historical background, lymphatic rhythm contractility of the lymphangions and various clinical applications.
June 1st, 2000

The Use of CranioSacral Therapy as a Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

John E. Upledger,DO,OMM, Barry S. Kaplan, MD, Russell A. Bourne, Jr.PhD, ABPS, Richard B. Zonderman, PhD

This article outlines the research study conducted between June 7 and December 17, 1999 by the Upledger Institute. The offered four intensive two week treatment programs for Vietnam veterans, all who were diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by the Veteran's Administration. The study concluded that the therapy program demonstrates CranioSacral Therapy and other non-pharmaceutical modalities that were used during the programs offer positive results to severely disabled patients/clients suffering from PTSD.
June 1st, 2000

IAHP Connection Newsletter

The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculums: Integrative Intensions,

Articles and topics include: Dr. Upledger Testifies at Government Reform Committee Meeting on Autism, Dolphin Star Christening Launches New Explorations in Healing Potential, Visceral Manipulation Report, Face & Body 2000, Alternative Medicine Coverage Gaining Popularity, Zero Balancing Association Presents One-Year Certification, Bruno Chikly Introduces New Lymphedema/CDP Certification Exam, and BioAquatic Exploration Excursions Planned Aboard the New Dolphin Star.
May 1st, 2000

The Effects of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomology in Vietnam Combat Veterans

John E. Upledger,DO,OMM, Barry S. Kaplan, MD, Russell A. Bourne, Jr.PhD, ABPS, Richard B. Zonderman, PhD

Abstract: The Upledger Institute International has provided two week intensive treatment for Vietnam veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as diagnosed by the Veteran's Affairs (VA) medical division. These patients received psychological evaluation tests at the times of entry and exit into and out of the program. The intensive treatment was about six-seven hours per day for eight full days, with approximately three-four hours on the first and last days of the program. The therapy used was primarily CranioSacral Therapy and its progeny Energy Cyst Release, SomatoEmotional Release and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue. The results obtained strongly suggest that PTSD may be more successfully treated when the therapy includes corrections of the craniosacral system, the release of foreign energies and conscious-nonconscious integration.
April 9th, 2000

The Magic of Dolphins

Jane Phillimore
Curriculums: Integrative Intensions,

They’re playful, intelligent and many believe they have healing powers. Now scientists are close to unraveling the mystery of how dolphins can cure human ills.
April 6th, 2000

CranioSacral Therapy and Autism: Observations, Experiences, and Concepts

Dr. John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.

This is the transcript of Dr. Upledger's presentation on CranioSacral therapy and Autism, with his observations, Experiences, and Concepts that was presented at a Committee Meeting on Topic of Autism before the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, 106th Congress (1999-2000). Dr Upledger testified in the day long session which features testimonies from leaders in autism research and treatment, as well as from the parents of the autistic children.

April 6th, 2000

Autism - Observations, Experience and Concepts

John Upledger, DO, OMM

This is the transcript of Dr. Upledger’s testimony before the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, 106th Congress (1999-2000). The day-long session featured testimonies from leaders in autism research and treatment, as well as from the parents of autistic children.
March 30th, 2000

UpClose Newsletter

The Upledger Institute
Curriculums: Integrative Intensions,

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Is a Family Affair; Letter Spurs Call to Action by Dr. Upledger; Dolphin Star Christening Caps CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month.
March 1st, 2000

CranioSacral Therapy in the Massage Therapist’s Tool Kit: Improving Client Outcomes

AMTA Florida Journal

This article chronicles the origin of Dr. Upledger’s discovery of the craniosacral system, his subsequent development of CranioSacral Therapy, and how and why CST helps.
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