Research, Articles & Case Studies
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January 23rd, 1999
More Than the Brain’s Drain
J. TravisCurriculums:
Provides an overview of cerebrospinal fluid, the important role it plays in the body and some interesting research and studies on this clear, colorless liquid that constantly bathes the brain and spinal cord.
January 1st, 1999
UpClose Newsletter
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Healing Journey Cuts a Path Through Alternative, Traditional TerrainMagnets: A Cause for Pause by Dr. Upledger.
October 31st, 1998
Massage for Animals: Integrating Manual Therapies Into Traditional Care for Animals
Älice Quaid, PT, and Gail Wetzler, PT, CVMI, ESMTCurriculums: Mechanical Link,
A growing number of professional therapists are interested in teaming with veterinarians to provide the most innovative healthcare techniques available. This article explains how CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Mechanical Link can easily be used in combination with veterinary medicine.
October 31st, 1998
UpClose Newsletter
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: CST Adds the Missing Piece to Stroke Rehab; The Magic of Intentioned Touch and Blending by Dr. Upledger; The Upledger Foundation Update.
September 21st, 1998
Visceral Manipulation
Jolynn WeilerCurriculums:
Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO, discusses the breakthrough that led to his development of Visceral Manipulation. The article covers the basic technique, its impact on patients, and the professional reactions Barral has received over the years.
September 1st, 1998
The ‘Fourth’ Hamstring
Thomas MyersCurriculums:
Beneath the traditional three hamstrings lies what the author, a Certified Advanced Rolfer, considers the ‘fourth’ hamstring. Discover new ways to work with these crucial muscles.
September 1st, 1998
Upledger UpDate
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’99; Visceral Manipulation Curriculum Maximizes Learning; The Changing Face of Pediatrics; The Upledger Foundation UpDate.
July 20th, 1998
Delving Deeper Into Structure
Paul Chauffour, DO, and Eric Prat, DOCurriculums: Mechanical Link,
Physical therapists tend to focus on releasing joint restrictions to enhance function. In the last few years, however, Mechanical Link practitioners have explored structure at a deeper level to discover crucial fixations that should be considered an integral part of any global evaluation and treatment plan.
July 6th, 1998
Gentle Therapy Can Ease Variety of Body Ailments
Kathleen Aragon, a craniosacral therapist, discusses her craniosacral treatment at St. Joseph’s Community Hospital.
July 1st, 1998
UpClose Newsletter
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Community Backs Boy’s HealthPlex Visit; Compassion and Violence by Dr. Upledger; Healing Touch Appears to Enhance Self-Esteem.