Research, Articles & Case Studies
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June 1st, 1998
IAHP Connection Newsletter
The International Alliance of Healthcare EducatorsCurriculums: Mechanical Link,
Articles and topics include: The Consciousness of Organ Transplants; The Evolution of Visceral Manipulation; Mechanical Link: A Multidimensional Approach; New NMT Programs; Fascia and the Energy Matrix.
May 20th, 1998
Why Patients Use Alternative Medicine
John A. Astin, PhDCurriculums:
This 1998 survey study showed that an increasing amount of Americans are turning to alternative therapies for relief of their health problems.
May 18th, 1998
Healing With Words
Russell A. Bourne, Jr., PhDCurriculums:
This article presents communication as an integrated process that can encourage or impede health and healing. The author is chief of staff of The Upledger Institute’s HealthPlex Clinical Services, and developer of UI’s Therapeutic Imagery & Dialogue workshop.
March 28th, 1998
Coaching Children in Developmental Progress
Liza Katz, MSPTCurriculums:
CranioSacral Therapy offers a base of knowledge to help infants and children at their primary levels of impairment.
March 1st, 1998
Surviving Orthodontics: A Bodyworker’s Exploration Into Orthodontics and CranioSacral Therapy
Nancy Burke, BA, CMTCurriculums:
A professional practitioner of CranioSacral Therapy, Nancy Burke examines the overwhelming correlation between orthodontia and client complaints such as TMJ syndrome, headaches, low back pain and sciatica, fascial, muscular and neck pain, even the inability to think clearly.
February 9th, 1998
Paths of Researchers and Practitioners of ‘Alternative’ Therapies Divided
Barnard J. ColanCurriculums:
While researchers note modalities not backed by research should be used with caution, this article goes on to present Dr. John Upledger’s rationale for continuing with noninvasive techniques when they prove effective in practice.
January 1st, 1998
Cranial Osteopathy and CranioSacral Therapy: Current Opinions
A.J. Ferguson, J.M. McPartland, J.E. Upledger, M. Collins, R. LeverCurriculums:
Five osteopaths, including Dr. John E. Upledger, were asked to give their opinions on five different questions concerning the controversy as to the existence of what Dr. William Sutherland called the ‘primary respiratory mechanism', and if it does exist then what are the physiological processes behind it.
January 1st, 1998
UpClose Newsletter
The Upledger InstituteCurriculums:
Articles and topics include: Sound Chamber Amplifies Therapeutic Effects; The Upledger Foundation Update; Virgilio testimony about CST’s effects on her daughter.
December 1st, 1997
CranioSacral Therapy: Following the Body’s Cues
Becky Peeling, APRCurriculums:
General background and overview of CranioSacral Therapy, including benefits and information on practitioner training.
December 1st, 1997
Is Human Cerebrospinal Fluid Reabsorbed by Lymph
Bruno Chikly, MD (France)Curriculums:
Describes some of the new concepts concerning the circulation between cerebrospinal fluid, cerebral interstitial fluid and lymph. It also presents some specific Lymph Drainage Therapy techniques that can help facilitate the exchange of these fluids.