Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical care.
Adrian C. Traeger, PhD; Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; James H. McAuley, PhDCurriculums:
Low back pain is one of those symptoms that can last from 4 weeks, subacute usually last 4-12 weeks. Chronic low back pain last more than 12 weeks. There are many different therapies which usually starts out with massage therapies exercises, yoga etc. If the pain becomes chronic the patient may have to go to more options to the failed treatments.
Inclusion of Chiropractic care in multidisciplinary management of a child with Prader-Willi syndrome: a case report
Rebekah A. Wittman DC, DACCPa , Sharon A. Vallone DC, FICCPbCurriculums:
This case report is about Prader-Willi syndrome, there are 1 in 8000 to 1 in 25,000 births in the United States. This syndrome has many challenges for a child born with this defect. They have many issue with feeding , developmental delays, behavioral problems, prone to scoliosis with other issues. They decided to do Chiropractic adjustments and CranioSacral therapy with other therapies. They noticed much improvement in her treatment plan of twice weekly. Overall she had improved her abilities to sleep better, control anxiety and help her to focus.
This report shows improvements and progression was a success due to multiple therapies.
Interventions for preventing and treating low-back and pelvic pain during pregnancy
Liddle Sarah D, Pennick VictoriaCurriculums:
Pain and Lower back pain during pregnancy which often gets worse as pregnancy progresses. Studies find that different treatments that may help along the way of the pregnancy. They took pregnant women from the age of 16 to 45 years of age who were having problems with pelvic and low back pain. It will show what seemed to work better for each group. Some did exercise, some wore a pelvic belts. Studies showed there wasn't enough evidence to make a confident decisions about these complaints. CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was implemented with better results than other types of studies.
CranioSacral Therapy....What is it really?
Mariann Sisco PT, CST-DCurriculums:
CST- CranioSacral Therapy is a light touch manual therapy that works with the body's self-correcting mechanism to affect multiple structual and physiological systems in attaining greater health and well being. As the name implies, it involves mobilizing restrictions within the cranium and the sacrum.It really is a whole body approach. It is practiced by various healthcare professional who have a license to touch.
Safety and Therapeutic Effects of Craniosacral Therapy: A Short Review
Thomas Rosenkilde Rasmussen. Ph.D., MSc, CST-DCurriculums:
This RCT (Random Controlled Trials) Studies Review is documenting both the safety and therapeutic effect of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST), and leads the way to larger studies in different health care conditions so often incorporating CST as a complementary treatment.
Fascia Mobility, Proprioception, and Myofascial Pain
Helen M. Langevin M.D.Curriculums:
Anyone who has participated in a yoga class knows that some people are more “flex-ible” than others. We usually think of musculoskeletal flexibility as “loose” or “tight” joints—ligaments, joint capsules—and muscles. But another important part of the musculoskeletal system that tends to be overlooked is the network of fasciae.
Although the clinical syndrome of “myofascial pain” remains poorly characterized, itis estimated to be present in approximately 30% of patients with chronic musculoskeletalpain in the back, neck, shoulder, hip, and pelvis as well as temporomandibular pain, and headache's.
Craniosacral Therapy Treatment – Recovery Through Touch
Jenny CorrellCurriculums:
CranioSacral Therapy is a treatment to open up the Cerebrospinal Fluid in the body, which can have restrictions. With a gentle light touch the Therapist can open up the restricted areas and help the fluid and identify flow blockage. It's vital not to miss out on alternative medicine to help a persons body heal.
Janusz KocjanCurriculums:
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
36 patients with evidence of CTS participated in a study . Both groups were put into 2 different intervention group study. Group 1 Only median nerve neuro-mobilization was applicated. Group 2- median nerve neuro-mobilization technique with other Mid-carpel distraction using manual therapy technique. It is concluded that the combination of these 2 techniques may be effective in the treatment of CTS. More studies are needed.
Neural mobilization as a therapeutic option in the treatment of stroke.
Alan Carlos Nery dos Santos , Ana Cristina Gusmão de Goes , Rodrigo Medina Vasconcelos Lago , Jefferson PettoCurriculums:
Accordingly, studies suggest that
stretching of the peripheral nerve through exercises proposed
by the neural mobilization (NM) technique can be useful in
physical rehabilitation of patients with lesions of the nervous
system. A case study with a 76 year old with stroke Neural Mobilization was taken for them with a therapeutic approach to rehabilitate them.
Effects of CranioSacral therapy upon symptoms of post acute concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome: A Pilot Study
Susan Vaughan Kratz, Daniel J KratzCurriculums:
CST CranioSacral Therapy is used to treat concussions effects and Post concussion symptoms.
In a study CST was able to help patients with concussions of 6 months or more with symptoms. Patient reported that there were critical changes when they were treated. After having CST therapy they have indicated that they would refer others for CST.