Research, Articles & Case Studies

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July 1st, 1997

UpClose Newsletter

The Upledger Institute

Articles and topics include: HealthPlex Helps Shed Autism Label; The Big Picture on Milk Intolerance; Cellist Tunes in to New Healing Techniques.
June 23rd, 1997

Making Gains: Rehabilitation From Traumatic Brain Injury Combines a Variety of Methods


This article highlights two severe accident cases in which the survivors received in-depth therapeutic treatment at The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services.
June 1st, 1997

Applications of Pre- & Post-Surgical Lymph Drainage Therapy

Bruno Chikly, MD (France), and Alaya Chikly, CMT

French physician Bruno Chikly and his wife Alaya explore the many benefits of Lymph Drainage Therapy to pre- and post-surgical patients. It’s been shown to help prevent infection, alleviate post-surgery swelling and even improve the scarring process.
June 1st, 1997

Tenderly Touching the TM Joint

Judith (Walker) DeLany, LMT

Advocating a multidisciplinary treatment approach, Ms. DeLany explains the skeletal anatomy of the TM joint along with various causative factors of TMJ dysfunction.
June 1st, 1997

UpDate Newsletter

The Upledger Institute

Articles and topics include: Who Is Smartest of Them All? By Dr. Upledger; Upledger Foundation Update.
May 12th, 1997

Feeling Your Pain: A Mind/Body Approach for Treating TMJ Disorders and Other Traumas

Steve Edgcumbe

Karl Nishimura, DDS, MS, presents the basics for the Trauma Release Therapy Protocol that helps people recognize pain, elicit the traumatic experience that led to it, and bring about normalization and self-healing.
April 1st, 1997

UpClose Newsletter

The Upledger Institute

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Brings Quick Relief to Bell’s Palsy Patient; Who Is Smartest of Them All? by Dr. Upledger.
March 30th, 1997

Healing Mind and Body Via the Spirit

Lee Nugan, MA

Lee Nugan, MA, staff psychotherapist at UI HealthPlex Clinical Services and instructor of the Spirituality and Healing workshop, discusses how forgiving oneself and others can profoundly affect recovery.
March 1st, 1997

New Concepts in Alternative Therapies: Treatment of TMJ Disorders Leads to Trauma Release Therapy (TRT)

Karl Nishimura, DDS, MS

Explore the history of Trauma Release Therapy in relation to TMJ disorders.
January 20th, 1997

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Älice Quaid, PT

Älice Quaid, PT, a clinician at UI HealthPlex Clinical Services, recounts her experiences with the clinic’s Vietnam veterans pilot PTSD program.
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