Research, Articles & Case Studies
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July 22nd, 1996
Healing Hands, CST Helps relieve the Pain
Jill FlanaganCurriculums:
Occupational Therapist, Susan Steiner, describes how a gentle technique called CranioSacral Therapy (CST)can alleviate the pain associated with Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD). Since CST uses a whole body approach, evaluating the body from their head to their feet no matter what the symptom is. Susan also stated that sometimes emotional stress is involved in TMJD, and emotional releases often present themselves during a CST session. This is a bonus of the therapy, something that cannot be addressed by a typical allopathic treatment of TMJD.
June 3rd, 1996
LDT The French Connection to Lymph Drainage
Claudia StahlCurriculums:
In an interview with Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) developer, Dr. Bruno Chikly, the article addresses the difference between LDT and other manual lymph techniques and the numerous applications of LDT. Dr. Chikly feels that LDT has applications for all healthcare professions and that he also hopes that laypeople will eventually learn these techniques so that they can work on their families because everyone needs detoxification and rejuvenation, the benefits of LDT.
June 1st, 1996
Process Acupressure
Kay Meddelton, RNCurriculums: Process Acupressure,
Registered Nurse, Kay Meddelton describes how she incorporates Process Acupressure (PA) bodywork into her private practice and in the hospital setting. She has found that PA works well to alleviate pain, release the energetic trauma of surgery, and stimulating peristalsis. But PA does much more. In the words of the Process Acupressure developer Aminah Raheem, "the object of PA is to clear the body of its limitations of personal history so that the soul can be free to heal and get on with its purpose."
June 1st, 1996
An Olympian Comeback
Jeff LyttleCurriculums:
Olympic diver, Mary Ellen Clark, almost lost her opportunity to compete in the 1996 games in Atlanta due to the vertigo that she was experiencing while in the midst of training. Thanks to Dr. John Upledger and the CranioSacral Therapy treatments that she received, her vertigo was cured and her training resumed.
May 2nd, 1996
The Compassionate Touch Program; Defusing Violence by Enhancing Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Image in Children
Dr. John E. Upledger FoundationCurriculums:
This article talks about The Compassionate Touch program conducted in the Midwest in the 1990s. The children involved experienced a greater sense of belonging and connection with others by the study's conclusion. Teachers also observed more than twice as many acts of compassion and empathy and only half the acts of aggression or behavioral problems they reported at the study's onset. Read more about this program
April 8th, 1996
An Interview with Bruno Chikly, MD
Sharon Weiselfish, PhD, PTCurriculums:
In this interview with Dr. Bruno Chikly, a French physician, he describes the type of Lymph drainage therapy (LDT) that he developed; combining the anatomy and physiology of typical training with deep listening skills. This enables the practitioner to work more effectively and efficiently on the tissue and with less effort. There are many benefits of LDT such as stimulating the immune system, relief from many chronic conditions, and can be helpful to reduce stress and insomnia. LDT complements many other manual techniques.
March 30th, 1996
An Exclusive Interview with Judith Aston
Kris CentenoCurriculums:
In this interview with Aston-Patterning (AP)developer, Judith Aston, she describes how she came to develop her work through her background in teaching dance and her affiliation with Dr. Ida Rolf. She describes how AP is complementary to not just Rolfing, but other types of bodywork. There are many aspects to Judith Aston's work and fitness is one of them. She believes that HOW we exercise - focusing on exercises that address your body's uniqueness is the key.
March 4th, 1996
Movement by Pattern
Claudia StahlCurriculums:
Aston Patterning (AP), a unique educational system developed by Judith Aston, is described. Judith believes that the body and mind are asymetrical and nonlinear, and so Aston Patterning appoaches the body and it's patterns of movement in this way. Overall, Aston Patterning and Aston Movement techniques is about teaching the body's segments to complement and work with each other.
February 12th, 1996
The Dural Connection
Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCOCurriculums:
A recent article in 'Spine' represents a major breakthrough for both the chiropractic and osteopathic professions. The article shows a direct attachment between a muscle and the central nervous system (dura mater). This information in 'Spine' applies to upper cervical adjustments, sacro-occipital technique, craniosacral therapy, trigger point therapy, fascial release and deep massage, to mention a few.
February 1st, 1996
Hands-On Healing; Which of These Methods Is Right For You?
Thomas ClaireCurriculums:
This article gives a brief description of several types of Hands-On Healing including; Swedish massage, rolfing, myofascial release, Alexander Technique, CranioSacral Therapy, and shiatsu. The article states that CranioSacral works mailing on the head and is known to help alleviate TMJ pain and migraines.