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January 22nd, 1996

An Interview with Aminah Raheem, PhD

Judy M. Rosinski, PT
Curriculums: Process Acupressure,

Dr. Aminah Raheem, a transpersonal psychologist for more than 20 years, describes the technique she developed called Process Accupressure (PA). PA blends the concepts of unblocking the energy meridians using fulcrums in the body and concepts of phychological processing. Dr. Raheem describes how PA work is easily incorportated with CranioSacral work and can help those in the physical therapy profession gain more confidence when a client's emotional issues arise.
December 13th, 1995

New Therapy Questions Traditional Medical Concepts

Jane Roodenburg

Jane Roodenburg, a CMT in Alaska describes CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and how this gentle form of bodywork; that addresses problems such as headaches, TMJD, autism, chronic pain, and cerebral palsy; questions the commonly accepted belief that the skull bones are fused together after a certain age.
December 11th, 1995

Mind and Body Uniquely Connected in Holoenergetics

Claudia Stahl

Dr. Laskow, and OBGYN doctor in the San Francisco Bay area, developed a technique he calls Holoenergetics. He believes that people's illnesses begin when they attempt to suppress or repress aspects of themselves that they find uncomfortable, which he calls holoforms. Using techniques involving recognition, resonance, and release and reformation of the holoforms, clients can resolve their pain and disease. He also describes a series of experiments where he determined that "What you can love, you can heal."
December 1st, 1995

Aston-Patterning for Chronic and Acute Pain

Marcia Michael, RN

Aston-Patterning Techniques, which includes analyzing the body's movement and training the client in utilizing different gaits, sitting position, and different reaching and bending movements, are briefly explained. The nurse practitioner uses this technique almost exclusively and found it to be very effective for conditions stemming from myofascial pain, chronic headaches, TMJ dysfunction, and post-surgical pain.
December 1st, 1995

Clark's Comeback a Succss

Dave Sherman

Olympic diver, Mary Ellen Clark is reported to be back on the board and hopefully on her way to the 1996 Summer games in Atlanta thanks to the CranioSacral Therapy she received at the Upledger Institute that "took away all her symptoms" of vertigo.
October 31st, 1995

Differences Separate CranioSacral Therapy from Cranial Osteopathy

John E. Upledger, DO, OMM

Dr. John Upledger explains that several of the differences between CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and Cranial Osteopathy is the quality of touch, the focus (dura mater membrane vs. sutures of the skull). Also examined is the qualities needed of a practitioner to practice CST.
September 6th, 1995

Desperate to Dive

Carolyn Susamn

Platform diver, Mary Ellen Clark, was experiencing vertigo creating problems for her dreams of winning a medal at the Olympics. In searching for treatments to her vertigo, she found the Upledger Institute and CranioSacral Therapy. With trials nine months away she holds tight to her faith and continues to seek treatments.
July 1st, 1995

The Mechanics

Alice Quaid, PT

Alice Quaid, PT interviews Judith Aston, develop of Aston Patterning. The philosophy and potential results of the technique are discussed.
July 1st, 1995

Baby Bodywork

Liz Brody

CranioSacral Therapy, a very light bodywork technique, is shown to be a helpful technique for common problems in infants such as ear infections, irritability, sucking difficulties, constipation, colic, and hyperactivity.
June 1st, 1995

The Upledger Institute Offers Russian Boy Hope for More Active Life

Francine Hammond, LMT, LPN

<strong>A four-year-old Russian boy with Cerebral Palsy is offered a chance at a better life through the two weeks of CranioSacral Therapy that he received at the Upledger Institute&#39;s Brain and Spinal Cord center.</strong>
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