Research, Articles & Case Studies
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September 1st, 1994
Visceral Manipulation
Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCOCurriculums:
Warren Hammer describes Visceral Manipulation based on Jean Pierre Barral’s books
July 1st, 1994
On the pulsatile nature of intracranial and spinal CSF- circulation demonstrated by MR imaging
Greitz D, Franck A, Nordell BCurriculums:
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow was studied in 24 healthy volunteers using grated MR phase imaging.
March 1st, 1993
Thoracic outlet syndrome--a myofascial variant
Thoracic outlet syndrome involves more than just local neurovascular compression. Myofascial release treatments and stretching exercises may be only partially or temporarily successful unless all related components of somatic dysfunction, including craniosacral mechanisms, are addressed. Structural and postural abnormalities in the frontal plane, as with a short leg, and in the sagittal plane, such as lumbopelvic imbalances, as well as neural involvement all contribute to thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms. Once segmental restrictions are treated and symptoms diminish, postural correction and strengthening exercises may be initiated. Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of the local, regional, and remote structural problems is necessary for optimal treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome and the maintenance of a symptom-free status.
February 1st, 1992
Letter to the Editor:
Dr. John UpledgerCurriculums:
Dr. Upledger responds to letters published in 1985 apparently that refute the validity of the craniosacral system and the effectiveness of the therapy. He explains how he came to verify first-hand the movement of the cranial bones and the subsequent research at Michigan State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Upledger also explains why the 10-Step Protocol was developed and the concept of the ‘Energy Cyst’. He concludes with the belief that “Physical Therapists and “hands on” clinicians must learn to trust that the perceptions received through our hands are valid, accurate and reliable.”
January 10th, 1992
Changes in elongation of falx cerebri during craniosacral therapy techniques applied on the skull of an embalmed cadaver
Kostopoulos DC, Keramidas GCurriculums:
Abstract Craniosacral therapy supports that light forces applied to the skull may be transmitted to the dura membrane having a therapeutic effect to the cranial system.
March 31st, 1991
Changes in Magnitude of Relative Elongation of Falx Cerebri During the Application of External Forces on the Frontal Bone of an Embalmed Cadaver
Dimitrios Kostopoulos, MA, RPT and George Keramidas, MS (Special to Forum)Curriculums:
This article offers validation to the scientific basis of CranioSacral Therapy. The outcome of the research and measurements of the relative elongation of the falx cerebri with external forces on the frontal bone of an embalmed cadaver present evidence in opposition to the belief that cranial sutures are solidly fused and immobile in adulthood
March 31st, 1991
Toward An Understanding of Craniosacral Therapy
Steve Heinrich, PTCurriculums:
This article offers an example of a patient that, through CranioSacral Therapy, experienced significant almost immediate relief of pain and problems with memory and concentration years after a motor vehicle accident. The author also discusses the controversy concerning the efficacy of the work and the hope that with more research and scientific validation will come understanding and more utilization of CranioSacral Therapy.
March 1st, 1991
Bodymind and Soul II: Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release
This article reviews 4 books; 3 authored by Dr. John Upledger and 1 by John Barnes, and relate them to a development of a new language and a new view of man started with the work of Freud. The article expounds on CranioSacral Therapy and Myofascial release and how it relates to what Freud can to call repression. The author concludes that the books of Dr. Upledger and John Barnes are a very worthwhile read, and that these “four books, of the greatest clinical, intellectual and humanistic value, are the most recent work of men whose minds might change the world.”
January 1st, 1991
The Role of PT in Craniofacial Pain Disorders: An Adjunct to Dental Pain Management
Steve Heinrich, PTCurriculums:
This article reviews the role of myofascial and craniosacral dysfunction, as well as the function of posture, tension, and stress in the development of syndromes such as dental pain.
September 10th, 1990
Ross McNamara's Story
Douglas McNamaraCurriculums:
This article relates the story of Ross McNamara and his family’s journey as they search for relief for Ross’s neurological problems and discover the Upledger Institute’s Brain & Spinal Cord Program. The article begins with a letter to Ross’s Pediatric Neurologist requesting him to be open minded as they present Ross’s story in hopes that he will discover the amazing results that CranioSacral Therapy had on Ross’s condition. It also includes explanation of the fundraisers and all that the family went through to collect the necessary funds for the trip to Florida and their time at the Brain & Spinal Cord Center.