Research, Articles & Case Studies

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November 2nd, 1981

Detection of skull expansion with increased intracranial pressure

Heifetz MD, Weiss M

A technique is described which uses standard strain-gauge technology to detect skull expansion associated with increased intracranial pressure.

December 1st, 1980

Trace mineral hair analysis in autistic children

K. Henderson, Sr.A. Brooks, A. Raynesford, J. Upledger

A study was conducted utilizing hair analysis for a goup of autistic children to determine if any physiological disturbances were contributing to the emotional and development problems.
April 1st, 1980

Examination of the Cranial Rhythm in Long-Standing Coma and Chronic Neurologic Cases

Karni, Upledger, Mizrahi, Heller, Becker, Najenson

This report details the results of cranial examinations performed by Dr. Upledger on coma patients in the intensive care units of the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Ra'anana, Israel
January 1st, 1980

Classification of Diagnostic Tests used with Osteopathic Manipulation

Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell, Frederic L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G.

Classification of Diagnostic Tests used with Osteopathic Manipulation Abstract: In an effort to characterize methods and decision-making used in osteopathic manipulative diagnosis, videotapes were made of a group of osteopathic physicians individually examining patients who complained of pain considered to be related to musculoskeletal problems. The diagnostic tests used fell into five classes: I—General impression; II—Regional motion testing; III—Position of landmarks; IV—Superficial and deep tissue evaluation; and V—Local response to motion demand. The first three classes are not unique to osteopathic diagnosis. Tests in classes IV and V, however, require high levels of sensory skill and precise anatomic knowledge and are subject to considerable individuality in their application by different physicians. Such differences are consistent with low levels of interexaminer agreement on findings unless special care is taken to adopt detailed criteria for use of a test and for interpretation and recording of findings. The differences may also explain why osteopathic physicians when communicating with other medical professionals rely mainly upon findings obtained with the first three classes of tests. Author: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell, Frederic L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G. Date: 1980 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.7 (March1980) p. 451/71-455/79
October 1st, 1979

Autistic children: Preliminary physiologic, structural, and craniosacral evaluations

Upledger, John E.; Vredevoogd, Jon D.; Retzlaff, Ernest; Raynesford, Alice K.; Howard, Thomas F.

Autistic children - Preliminary physiologic, structural, and craniosacral Abstract: The Twenty-Third National Osteopathic Research Conference was held on March 15-17, 1979, at the Holiday Inn, Chicago City Center. Part 3 of the Proceedings appeared in the September JAOA. Publication will continue in the November JAOA. Author: Upledger, John E.; Vredevoogd, Jon D.; Retzlaff, Ernest; Raynesford, Alice K.; Howard, Thomas F. Date: 1979 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.2 (October1979) p. 123/114-123/114
September 3rd, 1979

Age-related changes in human cranial sutures

ERNEST RETZLAFF, PH.D. JOHN UPLEDGER, D.O. FRED L. MITCHELL, D.O. JANE WALSH, B.S. JON VREDEVOODG, MFA Michigan State University—College of Osteopathic Medicine East Lansing, Michigan

Age-related changes in human cranial sutures Abstract: The Twenty-Third National Osteopathic Research Conference was held on March 15-17, 1979, at the Holiday Inn, Chicago City Center. Part 2 of the Proceedings appeared in the September JAOA. Publication will continue in the October JAOA. Author: Retzlaff, Ernest; Upledger, John; Mitchell, Fred L.; Walsh, Jane; Vredevoodg, Jon Date: 1979 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.1 (September1979) p. 60/114-61/115
July 2nd, 1979

Mechano electric patterns during craniosacral osteopathic diagnosis and treatment

John E. Upledger, DO, FAAO

Cranial osteopathic manipulative diagnosis and treatment is associated with palpatory sensations perceived by the cranially oriented osteopathic physician at various locations on the patient's body. The nature of these palpatory sensations and ranges from smooth, regular, and rhythmic to quick, jerky and/or irregular motion. A study of mechano-electric measurements performed on patients in an inactive state of the body shows that distinct strain gauge, electrocardiography, electromyography, and integrated-electromyography, patterns correspond with each one of the palpatory sensations. This correlation far exceeds random probability.
July 1st, 1979

Mechano-electric patterns during craniosacral osteopathic diagnosis and treatment

John E. Upledger, DO FAAO; Zvi Karni, PhD D.Sc.

This study showed that the craniosacral motion reported by the palpation of a trained practitioner directly correlated with the mechano-electric changes in patterns recorded from other locations in a patient's body, far exceeding random probability.
April 8th, 1979

MSU Autism Studies


This article describes several studies conducted by Ernest Retzlaff, PhD and John Upledger,DO,FAAO at Michigan State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine. These studies studied some possible keys to learning disabilities, behavioral problems and autism.
April 8th, 1979

MSU Autism Studies

John Upledger, DO, FAAO

A description of the studies conducted at Michigan State University using CranioSacral Therapy techniques with autistic and learning disabled children is offered
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