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CranialSacral Therapy - Long COVID
Jennifer de Jong, LMT, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy - Long COVID
Craniosacral Therapy Use in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Young Park, Jacob Kabariti, Leonid TaflerCurriculums:
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is caused by cerebrospinal fluid absorption that results in CSF accumulation. Shunt surgery is usually recommended but with a large percentage of issues and failure rate, this patient decided to seek alternative medicine. He was offered CranioSacral osteopathic manual treatment. The patient symptoms seemed to improve as confirmed by the patient and family.
Very interesting read!!
CranioSacral Therapy & Autism
Rebecca Flowers, OTR, BCP,CST-DCurriculums:
Rebecca Flowers has worked with hundreds of children with Autism.
She can help them with the stress levels with CST and could make 80 % gains with most of these children.
Mikey age 2yrs and 9 months was told they should institutionalize him. He graduated from high school, he spoke at his commencement.
PT Classroom-Energetic balancing WE ARE MADE OF ENERGY
Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP,PT,DO-MTPCurriculums:
We are made of energy. Over time our bodies collect tension from physical tension, additionally, unresolved mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual issues. Energy can come in waves.
The physical body comes from forms to shift the particles form to observe (the energy worker) the client to transform back to a wave of possibility to improve energy flow and promote health!!!
Activation of the cholinergic antiinflammatory reflex by occipitoatlantal decompression and transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation
Adrienne M. Kania, DO, Kailee N. Weiler, OMS III, Angeline P. Kurian, OMS III, Marielle L. Opena, DO, Jennifer N. Orellana, OMS III and Harald M. Stauss, MD, PhDCurriculums:
Effects of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Techniques on Conditions Affecting the Musculoskeletal System: A Systematic Review
David Doubblestein, PT, PhD(ABD), OCS, CLT-LANA, Cert. MDT Sandy Sublett, PT, DPT, OCS, CLT Min Huang, PT, PhD, NCSCurriculums:
Lymphatic Drainage have received interest in the efficacy in orthopedic and sports medicine.
There is moderate support for those using Lymphatic Drainage affecting the musculoskeletal System as effective interventions to reduce pain and improve patient reports to more functionality in activities and quality of life! Evidence was observed supporting the LD in with conventional rehab interventions for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.
Promote CranioSacral Therapy in your Community
Upledger Institute InternationalCurriculums:
April is CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month!
Ideas to Promote CranioSacral Therapy in your Community.
We hope that these suggestions will help you to raise awareness in your own communities.
The Intertwined Evolution and Development of Sutures and Cranial Morphology
Heather E. White, Anjali, and Abigail S. TuckerCurriculums:
Throughout post-natal craniofacial development, sutures function as sites of bone growth, accommodating expansion of a growing brain. The Skull has a crucial role, sutures also function postnatally while overall skull shape is altered accomodating the expansive brain.
Visceral Manipulation Application FOR TRAUMA AND WHIPLASH
Lorilynn Dowiak, PTCurriculums:
The massage therapist is no stranger to the sequalae of musculoskeletal involvement following trauma, as in the case of whiplash injury. You comprehend the anatomic origins – insertions and the mechanical function that the muscular system exerts on the skeleton. Applied techniques for reducing muscular fascial tensions improve mobility and reduce pain symptoms. For some clients, relieving these tensions may be all that is needed for tissues to regain homeostasis.
The use and benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in primary health care: a prospective cohort study
Heidemarie Haller,Gustav Dobos, and Heidemarie HallerCurriculums: