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February 25th, 2021

Lymphatic Balancing for the orthopedic patient

Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP,PT,DO-MTP

Lymphatic balancing builds on the principle based concepts of Dr. Still, while incorporating the use of gentle rythmi-cal pumping techniques to encourage a healthy flow of the lymph system.

The lymphatic system is made up of thin tubes that run through our system and organs that collect and filter the lymph. One of the basic tenets of osteopathic medicine in the hierarchy of healing is the principle that the fluids of movement are essential to maintain health.


February 11th, 2021

Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Forward Head Posture in Subjects with Chronic non-specific Neck Pain- A Pilot Study

Sonam Yangdol, Balaji Karunanithi Gandhi,

Forward head posture  (FHP) is defined as the protrusion of the head in the sagital plane so the the head is placed  anterior to the trunk. Forward head posture is one of the reasons that the changes in biochemical stress around the cervical spine leading to neck pain, headache, temporomandibular, and muscular dysfunction.

The prevalence of neck pain varies and is more common in females and high income countries. Patients without a well identified source for their neck pain are labeled as having idiopathic, mechanical or non specific neck pain.

Jean Pierre Barral developed Visceral Manipulation the French Osteopath.                                                  

February 9th, 2021

Behandlung der viszeralen Gefäße aus osteopathischer Sicht

Rene Assink, DO, PT, BI-D

Treatment of the Visceral Vascular Structures from a Manual Osteopathic Viewpoint.

January 23rd, 2021

The Skull’s Girder: A Brief Review of the Cranial Base

Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan and Eric Van Otterloo

Several elegant studies, ranging from animal developmental biology to human anthropology, have assembled a framework of cranial base anatomy, embryology, molecular genetics, evolution, and dysfunction. However, despite this compendium of experimental work, the cranial base remains relatively understudied, especially in comparison to the cranial vault and facial skeleton—despite its close integration with these superficial elements. Still need continued investigation and knowledge of the Cranal Base should be an ever expanding tool kit for the future!

January 22nd, 2021

Reconnecting the Brain with the Rest of the Body in Musculoskeletal Pain Research

Helen M. Langevin M.D.

Over the past few decades, pain research has greatly strengthened our view of chronic pain as a “disease of the brain.” However, as our knowledge about the role of the nervous system in chronic pain continues to expand, some disconnects are emerging between this knowledge and our understanding of peripheral tissue pathology, particularly for chronic musculoskeletal pain.
January 19th, 2021

Signs You've Already Had Covid, Warns Dr Fauci

Leah Growth

While fatigue is one of the initial symptoms signaling an infection, the majority of long haulers continue to experience overwhelming exhaustion long after the virus is gone. The Dysautonomia Project (TDP- a non profit group) advocates that CranioSacral Therapy/ Manual Therapy is one of the top ten non-pharmacological treatments for this disorder.

Do you know that many Covid -19 patients may develop Dysautonimia after they contract the virus

This article discusses how Dysautonomia may be lingering symptom from Covid-19

January 19th, 2021

Polyvagal Theory and How it Relates to Social Cues

Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD

You may not realize it , but you are walking around in the world each day reading thousands of social cues in movement in your environment. In our interacting with others, we pick up different expressions, tones, bodily movement, and more.

We are constantly busy observing and interacting with the world and others as apart of the human experience. Our nervous system helps control things like heart rate, digestion, and salivation. 

January 11th, 2021

Ask the Expert: Patricia Rogers of Body to Brain

Patricia Rogers

Many approaches to addiction recovery incorporate a variety of practices that improve body awareness, including yoga, meditation, mindfulness-based interventions and CranioSacral therapy. These help to stimulate the nervous system and improve substance abuse disorder. Body Awareness practices have been shown to decrease the stress level and reduce substance cravings.

January 1st, 2021

Factors Affecting Rehabilitation of Infants with Central Coordination Disorders during a three-month-long observation

Malgorzata Andrzejewska , Katarzyna Hap*, Karolina Biernat , Edyta Sutkowska , Iwona Demczyszak , Dominik Marciniak and Natalia Kuciel

66 children who met the inclusion criteria were qualifed for rehabilitation at the WW visit and completed the 3-month procedure. For the purposes of basic characterization and grouping of factors potentially effecting the results of Andrzejewska et al rehabilitation, the so-called "maternal factors" and "childfactors" were distinguished in the first place.

The following maternal factors were analysed:

– mother’s age at the time of delivery

– duration of breastfeeding, from the moment of birth until the completion of the therapy provided in completed weeks.

The following were analyzed among child-related factors:

– the APGAR score obtained in the first minute of the child’s life

– the week of gestation (gestational age) in which the child was born (Hbd)

– the sex of the child

– birth weight (BW)

– the age of the child at first eligibility visit, which was equivalent to the beginning of rehabilitation - calculated based on the months completed since birth.

Subsequently, the authors took into the type of delivery (natural vs Caesarean section) as well as the rehabilita-tion method (the Vojta method only vs the Vojta method combined with CranioSacral therapy).

December 21st, 2020

Craniosacral Therapy 101 with Dr. Charles T. Ortiz

Giselle Natasha B. Buhia

  Dr. Charles is a practicing dentist and has been in the profession for over 24 years. He practices therapy for TMJ , arthritis and related stress. In 2014  who was finding out that a patient was having a difficult time with his TMJ condition. Dr. Charles felt he had to find a new way to help patients so he enrolled in Upledger Institute International, and took core classes in CranioSacral Therapy(CST).

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