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December 1st, 2020

Top 10 Non-Pharmacological Treatments

A 501 (c) 3 not for profit organization aimed at speeding the time to diagnosis through local education

Cranio-Sacral/Manual Therapy

Increasing relaxation and reducing stress with a light touch therapy in regions of the spinal cord associated with parasympathetic nerves.

Some evidence that heart rate variability may improve. More research is needed.

November 2nd, 2020

The CranioSacral Still Point

Karen Axelrod

Still Point refers to gradual slowing down and eventual waning of the CranSacral  Rhythm (CSR).

 Andrew  Taylor Still, MD the father of osteopathy on whose work CST is based, described CSF as one of the highest known elements.... contained in the body. It's important to ensure good CSF flow inflow and outflow, the body has devised a regenerative, self corrective mechanism where by this rhythmic flow where it comes to a standstill. The inducer opens up the flow while laying on it for  about 20 minutes.

October 13th, 2020

Direct Measurement of the Rhythmic Motions of the Human Head Identifies a Third Rhythm

Thomas RosenkildeRasmussen, Karl ChristianMeulengracht

A central concept in CranioSacral Therapy, and at the same time controversial, is the concept of a unique rhythmic movement separate from arterial and respiratory rhythms. Palpation of the unique rhythm is central and used worldwide by a high number of therapists. A significant source of the criticism and controversy of both the existence and reported range of a unique rhythm in humans is the subjective approach to study rhythmic movements by palpation.

The aim of this study was:

1. to characterize the rhythmic movements on the head relating to the arterial, respiratory and a possible third rhythm.

2. to describe the nature of the third rhythm.

3. to define the normative range of the third rhythm in humans using an objective method.

In humans, a third rhythm separate from arterial and respiratory rhythms was observed. The third rhythm was characterized by its normative range in a population (n=50) and its dynamic range within each individual. Having developed an objective approach for studying this third rhythm might form the future basis for clinical and physiological studies of craniosacral function and dysfunction.

September 29th, 2020

Inside The Exclusive German Spa Victoria Beckham Can’t Get Enough Of

Hannah Coates, Olivia Singer

Post-Fashion Week

Victoria Beckham has return to Villa Stephanie in Germany for a 7 day retreat, with all the holistic and spa treatments anyone would desire. CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, and other treatments are offered there!

September 29th, 2020

Silent Killers - Carrie Ann Inaba

Katrina Schollenberger, SEO reporter

Carrie Ann Inaba on Dancing with the Stars, has had an autoimmune illness for years - Sjogren's Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.  She has created a regime of CranioSacral Therapy, acupuncture, yoga, Pilates and Reiki to deal iwth the pain she experiences as a result of her conditions.

September 20th, 2020

Energetic Balancing Total Body

Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP,PT,DO-MTP

Energy Medicine perspective refers to subtle forces frequently described as a vital force or life force that flows through the body. Since all matter and psychological processes ( thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and consciousness) are composed of energy, the physical body, therefore, the manifestation or representation of an energy field made of dynamic segments of vibration. Total  Energetic Body Balancing bridges the gap between traditional bodywork and energy medicine.

September 19th, 2020

Effect of visceral manipulation on pain, mobility and functional disability in subjects with right shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis

Aarti Ghillodia and Balaji Karunanithi Gandhi

 This research article explores the effect of organ specific visceral manipulation on adhesive capsulitis, in subjects with right shoulder  capsulitis. Visceral manipulation of liver has shown to increase right shoulder or called frozen shoulder. It seems to peak at the age of 56 yrs. It is believed that inflammation in the rotator interval, results in painful motion and subsequent fibrosis, and stiffness that limits movements.

Visceral Manipulation of liver has shown to increases in right shoulder range of motions. Adhesive Capsulitis is a common  painful and debilitating condition .


September 13th, 2020

Redefining Covid-19: Months after infection, patients report breathing difficulty, excessive fatigue

Ryan Prior

Did you know that many Covid-19 patients may develop Dysautonomia after they contract the virus?

The Dysautonomia Project (TDP- non-profit group) advocates that CranioSacral Therapy/Manual Therapy is one of the top 10 non-pharmacological treatments for this disorder.

This article discusses how dysautonomia may be lingering symptom from Covid-19.

It's been 5 months since Lucy Gahan contracted Covid-19 and her life still hasn't turned back to normal. The disease causes what she calls "STORMS" disabling periods when she feels shortness of breath, numbness in her hands and feet and her heart rate shoots up from simple task. Many hospitalized Covid patients are at risk to become long haulers

August 25th, 2020

Cerebrospinal Fluid "What is it and Where to Find it"

John E Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.

The brain is about 80% water and 20% of the water is extracellular. The cranial system also contains blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid. Each of these fluids serves as very specific functions of the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid serves as a shock absorber in head "jolts". It also serves as a vehicle to transfer hormones and peptides of all kinds.

August 1st, 2020

Fascia Focused Manual Therapy Interventions-Proposed Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome

John Sharkey

The Covid Virus has surpassed 57 million globally and numbers are exponentially increasing weekly.

Based on current research this short report proposes that appropriate actions are being taken with the fascia focused manual and movement therapy interventions will assist patients experiencing on-going related pain and a wide range of functional issues.

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