Research, Articles & Case Studies

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June 3rd, 2020

The Five Diaphragms in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Neurological Relationships, Part 2

Bruno Borden, Don Carlos Gnocchi

This continuation of Part 1 is showing how the Five diaphragms reflect the concept with the clinician to guide the evaluations. The philosophy behind the latter and the Five diaphragms is to allow enough space between the different body of tissues ( muscular, visceral, vascular, and nervous), as if there is the possibility of better movement of the tissues. It would seem that you would have better movement for greater health and well being for the patient! 

May 1st, 2020

Rhinitis: The Osteopathic Modular Approach

Shan Shan Wu, DO; Kelsey Graven, DO; Michelle Sergi, OMS IV; Robert Hostoffer, DO

The osteopathic approach to rhinitis. The musculoskeletal system plays a substantial role in the management of rhinitis with OMT techniques. (osteopathic manipulative treatment) Lymphatic techniques were used to help improve the Lymphatic system.

Rhinitis can affect your mental, emotional, social and spiritual well being. Rhinitis can effect your sleep, facial pain and cause depression. They recommend future research in this field of OMT.

These were based on whole body approach, based on experts in this field.

This research was done at the University Hospitals Osteopathic Consortium in Cleveland, OHIO

May 1st, 2020

Celebrity Pilates Instructor Nona Gleyzer Shares How to Get Your Mind and Body in Shape

Carly Sloane

The fitness guru Nonna Gleyzer has worked with many Celebrities, going for all things Mind Body and Soul. Her work is creating a complete balance of the body. She uses CranioSacral therapy and other therapies including conditioning and training.

April 28th, 2020

CranioSacral Therapy and TORTICOLLIS: Gently Unraveling Tension without Tears

Kelly O'Brien Pahman

CranioSacral Therapy in treating babies with torticollis, the shortening or tightening of the neck muscles on one side or the other causing the babies head to tilt.

This is an article about Brandon diagnosed with asymmetries in the face and cranium. He was treated with CranioSacral Therapy and improved rapidly from the 5th percentile to the 50th percentile in 40 days.

It was noted that CranioSacral Therapy was more cost-efficient and less intrusive than traditional treatment. 

April 27th, 2020

Mobile Doc to the Rescue

Mark DeLap

Millie Woody takes her talents as CranialSacral Therapy(CST) to equine injuries.

Equine CranioSacral Therapy(CST) is a hands-on technique to the horse's body to release restrictions in the musculoskeletal system in the fascia. It is a tissue that weaves the whole body like a spider web.

Millie did CranioSacral Therapy on a horse who had a hematoma on her left inner leg the size of a basketball. Within a few months of CST and other work, she was able to stimulate pain and restore motion.

April 16th, 2020

Stress, Solitude, and Being Single

Jenn Moff

I've been through enough traumatic situations in my life to see the value in a spiritual and self-care toolbox to support my well being during periods of anxiety or depression.

It was a hug from an acquaintance at a networking lunch we hugged and then a painful thought washed over me, I don't know when I will be touched again.

April 4th, 2020

BI Inspire April 2020

Ron Mariotti ND, BI-D; Eric Marlien PT, DO, BI-D

Follow up materials to Online Meeting offered April 4-5, 2020

BI Inspire | By Ron Mariotti, ND, BI-D

~ Exploring the general vascular system and how the Barral approach will help facilitate function in the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems

BI Inspire | By Eric Marlien, PT, DO, BI-D

~ Global Integration of the stress response and how to reach physiological equilibrium

April 3rd, 2020

Visceral Inflammation and Immune Activation Stress the Brain

Peter Holzer, Aitak Farzi, Ahmed M Hassan, Geraldine Zenz, Angela Jacan & Florian Reichmann

Stress is a dynamic process that affects an organism, the outcome depending on the severity and duration of the stressors involved. The relationship between stress and the immune system is bidirectional and has an impact on the immune function. The Gut and the brain have interactions between peripheral immune activation especially in the visceral system and the brain functions of behavior and stress coping.

March 31st, 2020

Effects of CranioSacral therapy as adjunct to standard treatment for pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: amulticenter,single blind, randomnized controlled trial

Helen Elden, Hans Christian Ostgaard, Anna Glantz, Pia Marciniak, Ann-Charlotte Linner & Monika Fagevik Olsen

Effects of CranioSacral therapy as an adjunct to standard treatment for pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: a multicenter, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Our study shows less pain intensity in the morning and less deteriorated function, both reaching a degree of significance when CranioSacral therapy was combined with standard treatment for PGP in pregnancy.

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