Research, Articles & Case Studies
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CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches, Fatigue and Vision Issures
Jane Gatanis MA, OTR/L, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches, Fatigue and Vision Issues
Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness
Marcia FrellickCurriculums:
Researchers have begun to pay attention to Fascia, but connective tissue may hold the clues to a wide array of diseases including IBD.
Fascia with mechanical forces is usually thought of as it pertains to the musculoskeletal system. The function is being realized throughout all body systems!!
Treatment of Panic Disorder by Trigeminal nerve manipulation: A case Series
Emmanuel Birstein, Judith GuskyCurriculums:
Two patients with Panic Disorder relieved their symptoms by manual manipulation of the nerve branches.
The Manipulation was performed on the Oral cavity of both patients who had molar issues in their pastimes. Within the first session, both were able to relieve their Panic Disorder significantly.
Chronic Pain in Migraine May Be Mitigated by Craniosacral Therapy
Sarah KarlovitchCurriculums:
Chronic Pain, which is the leading global cause of disability, is increasing in prevalence. Migraine Headaches and low back and neck pain all fall into the chronic pain category and, according to researchers, all age groups can be affected.
Specifically, CST showed better post-intervention effect on different types of pain.
Barral Manual Therapies Fact Sheet
Barral InstituteCurriculums:
Learn the facts about Barral Institute Therapies. Discover our Manual Therapy Techniques and their benefits. This flyer is informative for your clients.
D'Ambrogio Institute Fact Sheet
D'Ambrogio InstituteCurriculums:
Learn about D'Ambrogio Institute facts and discover our manual therapy techniques. This flyer is information for your clients.
Visceral Manipulation Research Flyer
Barral InstituteCurriculums:
This flyer provides a list of research articles about Visceral Manipulation. Please visit our searchable database. For more articles and research papers.
CranioSacral Therapy Research Flyer
Upledger Institute InternationalCurriculums:
This flyer provides a list research articles about CranioSacral Therapy. For more articles and research papers, please visit our searchable database
Visceral Manipulation in the Chronic Pain Patient
By Janice Webber, BScPT, Janice Webber Physiotherapy ServicesCurriculums:
Very interesting Read !!
Chronic pain patients typically show altered patterns of breathing such as Cardiac function with little to no lateral-costal expansion. When assessed they often present low CO2 values and often have a difficult time breathing with stress as Hyperventilating and talking.
Like a big snag in a sweater, the strain incrementally spreads outward across the very fabric of the body. Visceral restriction are often the un-examined root of the physical pain.
CranioSacral Therapy - Sensory Processing Disorder
Alyssa Frey MS, OTR/L, CST-TCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy - Sensory Processing Disorder