Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Pippa Midleton Is Treating Her Son With Cranial Osteopathy Therapy To Rebalance His Body
Krissie MickCurriculums:
Middleton's baby had issues with sleeping and favored one side when sleeping.
She was fascinated how calming it was for Arthur.
Apparently Pippa was so impressed with her baby's treatment she
wants to spread the Word.
Manual Therapies Promote Continence and Mobility in a Patient with Cerebellar Agenesis
Susan Vaughan KratzCurriculums:
This is a case review of a 26 yr old woman with lifelong incontinence who gained control and measurable improvements in mobility after an extended series of CranioSacral Therapy.(CST)
The purpose of this case report is to stimulate thought around the unexpected outcomes from a method that directly treats the nervous system and wonder about the neuroplasticity elements at play with such intervention.
Specialized Touch Helped This client Avoid Surgery
Cloe CouturierCurriculums: Qigong Tichings,
CranioSacral Therapy techniques are applied based on communication and synergy between the client and therapist. It's a conversation through touch where the therapist listens to what the body is saying.
This is an article of a patient named Jeff(name changed) who had surgery in 2013, including a multilevel lumbar laminectory with decompression of the dura and spinal canal extending down to S1.
He had decreased sensation, numbness and weaknesses in his major muscle muscle groups.
His Dr. wanted him to have another surgery but he chose an alternative treatment.
Cloe worked with orthopedic manual therapy and focused on alignment,working with the sheath of the nerves at their roots. She applied a complementary combination of CranioSacral, Qigong Therapy and Neural Manipulation.
Meet Tammy Schreiber of RestoraVida Therapies in Fort Worth
Voyage DallasCurriculums:
While working as a RN surgical floor of a local hospital. She saw many patients that did not improve after the Dr's performed surgery or gave them medicine that should have relieved their pain. She realized most if not all patients had suffered various Traumatic events in their lives.
She began her journey with CST CranialSacral Therapy when she began having debilitating headaches.
Through research she found The Upledger Clinic and worked with a CranioSacral Therapist. Headaches were gone. She was so impressed with the results she was inspired to become a therapist herself.
Specialized Touch Helped This client Avoid Surgery
Cloe CouturierCurriculums:
My Client Jeff had back Surgery in 2013 including multilevel lumbar laminectomy with decompression of the dura, and spinal canal extending down to S1.
He had weakness, numbness in his major muscle groups . His Surgeon was recommending another surgery when he decided to seek the help with orthopedic manual therapy.
Cloe aligned his body and he was feeling better and improving.
For Better Health : Specialist Shares Simple Self Techniques to Alleviate Pain
Alissa SilberCurriculums:
Janet Shroeder, a chronic pain specialist with more than 25 yrs experience.
CranioSacral Therapy
Ms Schroeder said she does this "profoundly relaxing" method on all her patients and has found it brings relief to even most extreme cases.
CranioSacral Therapy to Address Post- Concussion Syndrome
Melinda Roland MPT,LA-c,OMD-Ac, CST-DCurriculums:
Clinically, we see significant and far-reaching results regularly in the treatment of post-concussion syndrome when the rehabilitation approach includes CranioSacral Therapy.
Healing Energies: What is CranioSacral Therapy(CST)
Sonalie FigueirasCurriculums:
You may have heard of CranioSacral Therapy if you have see a Physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation after an accident or injury.
Why CST ?
Through the modality has its roots in medical and anatomical studies, it actually involves energy work in order to manipulate the alignment in the body correctly.
How Yoga Can Give You The Benefits Of Cranisacral Therapy
Nora IsaacsCurriculums:
This is a great article to read !!!
Craniosacral Therapy has similar benefits to yoga and can help release tension in the body.Yoga can give you a head start on the benefits of Craniosacral therapy (CST). Yoga helps us do the preliminary work so we are not starting at square one.
These two complement each other in several ways, since CST is likely to have similar benefits to yoga.