Research, Articles & Case Studies
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CranioSacral Therapy Case Study - Childhood Sexual Trauma
Catherine Whelan, BS, LMT, CSTCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy - Childhood Sexual Trauma
How Long Does Colic Last? Don't Worry This Too Shall Pass
Grace GallagherCurriculums:
If you are reading this , there's a high probability that you frantically googled How long does Colic Last.
Believe it or not , experts still aren't totally sure what colic is; it's Clinical definition is Frequent and prolonged crying of fussiness in a healthy infant.
CST appears to be effective and safe for Infantile Colic by reducing the number of crying hours.
Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Abdominal Pain
Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Abdominal Pain
Is Visceral Manipulation beneficial for patients with Low Back Pain?
Jacob Marten Switters, Stefan Podar, Luke Perraton,Zuzana MachotkaCurriculums:
Visceral manipulation may reduce non-specific low back pain in the short term.
Visceral dysfunction may be an underlying cause or contributing factor
for some non-specific LBP and can be treated by osteopathic manipulative treatment.
Naturopathic Oncology Care for Pediatric Cancers: A Practice Survey
Athanasios Psihogios, ND , Jullie K. Ennis, PhD , and Dugald Seely, ND, MSc, FABNOCurriculums:
Pediatric cancer can sometimes need other options for cancer care. Many of the children respond to other alternative medicine such as CranioSacral therapies and other Manipulations instead of traditional medicine. Research has shown in patients that they responded well to these alternative Medicines. The also tried other medicinal meds like Vitamins and Green Tea which is an antioxident.
Infant Colic What Works a Systematic Review of Interventions for Breast Fed Infants
Kim Forehand-van der Linde, PhDCurriculums:
This research article's objective is to determine the strength of evidence for commonly used interventions for Colic in breast-fed and mixed fed infants younger than 6 month.
Kim Forehand-van der Linde, PHD, follows up on the Colic Study and this research study. The study compared CST enhanced treatment with normal treatment with amazing results. However, how does that compare to other treatment options? Why is that important, well, if CST enhanced treatment gives you 3.5 hours less crying, but modality XXX enhanced treatment gives you 6 hours improvement, I would recommend to people to get modality X enhanced treatment unless that is not working. Because I want the best for those infants.
So, what works best if not using CST? The review indicates that probiotic (overall mean difference in crying time at day 21 of −55.8 min/day (95% CI −64.4 to −47.3, P = 0.001) ) and fennel (overall mean difference of −72.1 min/day (95% CI −126.4 to −17.7, P < 0.001)) are best suited.
55.8 min and 72.1 min improvement in crying time. Compare that to the CST enhanced treatment that scored on the same measure an improvement of 3.29 hours = 209 minutes. This is between 2.7 and 3.8 times as much improvement as with the best available alternative options."
There is an excess of information for parents on the internet under the term Infant Colic which gives conflicting advise. This research will help you understand these research studies.
New Pain Organ discovered in the Skin
Karolinska InstituteCurriculums:
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have discovered a new sensory organ that is able to detect painful mechanical damage, such as pricks and impacts.The discovery is being published in the Journel "Science".
Pain causes suffering and results in substantial costs for society. Our study show that sensitivity to pain does not occur only in the skin fibres,but also in the pain sensitive organ.
Effects of manual cranial therapy on heart rate variability in children without associated disorders: Translation to clinical practice
Vanessa Bayo-Tallóna, Jordi Esquirol-Caussaa, Montserrat Pàmias-Massanab , Kalia Planells-Kellerb , Diego J. Palao-VidalbCurriculums:
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls unconscious body functions by innervating cardiac and smooth muscles, as well as exo-crine and endocrine glands, through three main efferent pathways:sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric pathways. The equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating adaptive responses to internal/external environmental changes. Sympathetic activation promotes a "defense" response, while parasympathetic activation is related to protective and relaxation functions.
Type of relationship between the different factors that potentially influence heart rate variability.
Giles focused their research on the relationship between the vagus nerve and musculoskeletal structures with vagal functions using the Vagus Nerve is a mixed nerve (10th cranial nerve) joining the glossopharyngeal and accessory nerves to constitute asystem with a primarily parasympathetic function.
Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Stiffness in Left Shoulder
Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Stiffness in Left Shoulder
Visceral Lymphatic Balancing Techniques
Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM,AP,PT,DO-MTPCurriculums:
This article is very interesting for our Lymphatic systems
Many Massage therapist consider lymphatic drainage to be a specialized set of techniques that do not factor into daily massage practice.
Lymphatic System
A properly functioning lymphatic system is critical for the body to maintain Homeostasis and regenerate tissue. An important principle treatment is "Drainage Precedes Supply." This concept is based on understanding that tissues need a healthy inflow of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood for cellular homeostasis and repair. The system responsible for providing this drainage pathway is the lymphatic system
Lymphatic drainage dates back to the late 1800's