Research, Articles & Case Studies
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CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Insomnia
Hsiang-Fei Hung PT, CST-DCurriculums:
Upledger Insitute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Insomnia
A way to heal trauma | Live Well
Jennifer MulsonCurriculums:
Avadhan Larson offers somatic experiencing, which can potentially help people heal from trauma. The healing modality looks like talk therapy from the outside, but doesn't ask the client to relive the traumatic experience repeatedly.
So what does a session look like? To an outside observer, it would look a lot like talk therapy, Larson said, with the practitioner and patient sitting and quietly talking.But it’s not. Talk therapy can only help resolve trauma to a point, and it might even worsen it, as talking about and reliving the trauma can reinforce its neural pathways in the brain, making the memory stronger.
This is very interesting read !!!
Respiratory influence on CSF flow
Vegard Vinje , Geir Ringstad, Erika Kristina Lindstrøm, Lars Magnus Valnes, Marie E . Rognes, Per Kristian Eide, Kent-Andre MardalCurriculums:
Current theories suggest that waste solutes are cleared from the brain via the CSF flow, diven by pressure pulsations of possibly both cardiac and respiratory origin. In this study, we explored the importance of respiratory versus cardiac pressure gradients for CSF flow within one of the main conduits of the brain, the cerebral aqueduct.
Pressure gradients underlying CSF flow in the cerebral aqueduct are dominated by cardiac pulsations, but induce CSF flow volumes dominated by respiration.
Respiratory influence on cerebrospinal fluid flow - a computational study based on long-term intracranial pressure measurements
Kristinana Lindstrøm, Lars Magnus Valnes, Marie E. Rognes, Per Kristian Eide & Kent-Andre MardalCurriculums:
This research article discusses current theories that waste solutes are cleared from the brain via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow.
In this study, they explored the importance of respiratory versus cardiac pressure gradients for CSF flow within one of the main conduits of the brain, the cerebral aqueduct.
Manual therapy for the pediatric population: a systematic review
Carol Parnell Prevost , Brian Gleberzon , Beth Carleo , Kristian Anderson , Morgan Cark and Katherine A. PohlmanCurriculums:
Parents have been using a variety of therapies for pediatric conditions including manual therapy and soft tissue therapy. Different studies have been used as observational tools for different age groups. The study of one group was crying babies. They were able to prove that crying infants improved with manual Osteopathy manipulation and CranioSacral Manual Therapies.
Notes on Visceral adhesions as Fascial Pathology
Gil HedleyCurriculums:
Fascia is introduced as an organizing anatomical category for visceral mesothelia.
Normal tissue relations are discussed in order to frame the presentation of abnormal visceral adhesions as fascial pathology, 4 types of which are identified laboratory of fixed and unembalmed human cadavers provide the basis for insights into these pathologies as regards self-care and therapeutic techniques.
CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Unbalanced Feeling
Giora Segev CST-DCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Unbalanced Feeling
SomatoEmotional Release
Upledger Institute InternationalCurriculums:
This article describes what SomatoEmotional Release is and where it comes from. This article also discusses energy cyst formation.
Life Lessons: Avril Stanley
: Avril StanleyCurriculums:
Life blesses us with all manner of surprises
But I didn't want to have any expectations of myself or my partner, therefore motherhood was more of an unexpected gift than a plan.
Pilot randomized single-blind clinical trial, craniosacral therapy vs control on physiological reaction to math task in male athletes
Małgorzata Wójcika, Inga Dziembowskab , Paweł Izdebskid, Ewa ŻekanowskaCurriculums:
Stress induced from an arithmetic task resulted in significant increase in physiological stress markers such as SC, HR, and RR in groups. Over a short term CST was associated with a physiolgocal relaxation response( a decrease in HR and SC) and an altered HR and SC response during a math task in comparison to the placebo group.
Susan Vaughn Kratz said My son would ask to have CST before a big test( while in High School) It seems this study validates this.