Research, Articles & Case Studies

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February 4th, 2019

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Back Pain

Catherine Whelan BS, LMT, CST-D

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Back Pain

February 1st, 2019

Visceral and Neural Manipulation in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Chronic Constipation: Five Case Reports

Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA, BI-D, Margaret Armstrong, MD, Sandra Whisler, MD, MS, and Susan Williamson, MD

The purpose of this case study series was to assess improvement in the quality of life, function, and colonic motility before and after visceral and neural manipulation in five children with cerebral palsy and chronic constipation who had Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels of IV and V. Quality of life and function were assessed using the CPCHILD and the WeeFIM respectively. Bowel movement number and quality were assessed through family diaries. All subjects showed some degree of improved quality of life and function on the CPCHILD and WeeFIM at the end of the intervention. Colonic motility assessed radiographically before and after treatment was not statistically significant due to the small number of participants; however, the number of bowel movements increased during the study for 100% of the participants. Visceral and neural manipulation modalities may provide clinicians and families with an alternative to medications and/or other more invasive interventions.

February 1st, 2019

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety

Catherine Whelan, BS, LMT, CST

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety

February 1st, 2019

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Focusing Problems

Giora Segev CST-D

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Focusing Problems

January 29th, 2019

Fascia: Why this body tissue may hold health clues

Rachel Damiani and Ted Spiker

Americans, who spend about $8 billion a year in massage and chiropractic treatments to relieve pain, may have no idea that they’re all probably experiencing the same thing — a manipulation of their fascia, a three-tiered layer of tissue that encases tissues and organs.

January 29th, 2019

Meghan King Edmonds Claims Chiropractor Helped Correct Her 7-Month-Old Son's Vision Problems

Dave Quinn

Meghan King Edmonds Claims Chiropractor Helped Correct Her 7-Month-Old Son's Vision Problems

January 21st, 2019

Guts, Wits, Microbiome, and the Vagus Nerve

Christopher Bergland

Specific gut microbiome may influence social behaviors via the vagus nerve. 

January 3rd, 2019

The Top 15 Techniques To Learn Now

Technique Articles
Curriculums: Healing From the Core,

This article explains the top 15 techniques of massage to learn now. Specialization helps you stand out from other massage therapists - and in order to specialize, you must obtain advanced education. Your knowledge will help your practice be seen as one that helps clients feel their best, while your professional reputation will blossom.

January 1st, 2019

Osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) in treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Kjell E Bjørnæs, Geir Elvbakken, Bård Dalhøi, Tor Harald Garberg, Joachim Kaufmann, Espen Glomsrød, Ola Reiertsen, Stig Larsen


Background: Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) is a non-pharmaceutical and none-invasive treatment, designed to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The aims were to determine a Minimum Efficacy Dose (MED) and the longterm effect of OMT in the treatment of GERD.

Materials and method: The study was performed as a two-dimensional, between-patient Response Surface Pathway (RSP) designed multicenter study with “Number of OMTs” and “Treatment Interval” as interventional variables. The main response variable was the percent reduction in the sum of the five GERD-scores from baseline. Three patients on the first design level received six OMT with five days’ interval. The number of OMTs and treatment interval in the second (n=5) and third design levels (n=7) were based on the results of the previous design level. The mean age and duration of GERD were 50.2 and 10.9 years, ranging from 25.7 to 75.7 years and 0.2 to 36.3 years, respectively.

Results: The percent reduction in GERD-score increased with increasing number of OMTs and time intervals, but flattered out after four OMTs and three to four days treatment interval. The estimated MED of OsMT was three treatments with two days interval resulting in a GERD-score reduction of 62.2% (95% CI: 50.3-80.1%). All the five GERD-symptoms and consequently the mean GERD-score were significantly reduced after the first two OMTs, one week, three and 12 months after the last treatment (p<<0.01). One week after last OMT, the GERD-score reduced with 75% and 33% symptoms free patients. At one-year follow-up, the reduction was 63.3% with 46.7% had no GERD-symptoms.

Conclusion: Anti-reflux OMT significantly decreases the GERD-symptoms and the use of PPI. 46.7 percent of the patents had no GERD symptoms one year after treatment. The estimated MED of OMT was three treatments with two days (48 hours) interval. 

January 1st, 2019

Visceral Manipulation: The Organ Massage That Heals Pain, Digestion and Other Problems

Dave Asprey

  • Your organs are soft and need to move inside your body to do their jobs.
  • Visceral mobility is how well your organs can contract and release as needed.
  • Overburdened or damaged organs can develop adhesions and scar tissue that makes them less pliable.
  • Visceral manipulation involves abdominal massage that combines pressing, deep strokes, and friction to strip away the adhesions.
  • Read on to find out what’s involved, and how to do visceral manipulation yourself at home. 
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