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Vagus Nerve Dysfunction in the Post Covid19 Condition
Lourdes Mateu MD, PHDCurriculums:
Long Covid is a major global public health and medical challange since most people with long covid have a variety of symptons, the Vagus nerve innervates the larnyx, pharnyx, lungs, heart and gastrintestinal tract. they have all been affected by Post Covid Condition. (PCC)
Barral Manual Approach to the Brain Bibliography
Barral InstituteCurriculums:
Barral Manual Approach to the Brain Bibliography
IMPORTANT NOTICE AND REMINDER - We treat people! We do not treat conditions
Upledger Institute InternationalCurriculums:
It is imperative to always use the correct terminology to properly represent the scope of our practices and to stay in compliance with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Please read the rulings from the ASA.
How Could Emotions Affect Tissues in the Body?
Vivien Henderson LMT,CST-DCurriculums:
Effects of a traumatic event can penetrate into tissues of energy into a victims body! Sometimes our bodies hold back on a traumatic event that happens in our lives which sometimes gets bottled up inside and causes us different issues like pain. It can be released through CranioSacral Therapy called SomatoEmotional Release.
Great Read!
THE COMPASSIONATE TOUCH PROGRAM Defusing Violence by Enhancing Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Image in Children
Dr. John Upledger D.O. O.M.MCurriculums:
Children in the Compassionate Touch program are taught a simple practice termed Helping Hands that can be used if another child has been hurt or is feeling discomfort.
They place a light touch on the child that is hurt in the area and is accompanied by a pulsation for the injured child. The Helping Hands help make the child feel better much faster with the compasionate touch!
Russell A. Bourne, Jr., Ph.D.Curriculums:
Life today for children has become more traumatic with so many more school shootings and suicied in our society. Homicides alone for victims age 14 to 24 were over 8 thousand just in the US alone.
In the Spring of 1997, The Upledger Foundation initiated a simple and straight-forward investigation into the use and instruction of Compassionate Touch with preschool children. This pilot project was designed to evaluate the effect of Compassionate Touch on the demonstration of increased pro-social behaviors and the reduction of aggressive behaviors and behavioral problems in children.
Great Article!
‘I Struggled With Back Pain for Years, Until I Found Visceral Manipulation’
Jessica GilesCurriculums:
Let’s break it down. “Viscera” are your soft internal organs, such as your kidneys, lungs, stomach, and liver. So, visceral manipulation is a type of gentle hands-on therapy that assesses and addresses organ mobility.
This therapy, developed by French osteopath and physical therapist Jean-Pierre Barral, highlights the importance of treating the body as a connected system.
Upledger New Glarus Study Dr. John Compassionate Study
Upledger foudationCurriculums:
These children were studied for compassionte touch helping each other when getting hurt or for younger children "Owies". Helping Hands were helping to assist someone with physical pain, but also to helpthose who were emotionally distressed or unhappy.
Our vagus nerves help us rest, digest and restore. Can you really reset them to feel better?
Academic rigor, journalistic flairCurriculums:
Vagus means wondering in Latin, it is the long pathway of the branching of our Vegus Nerve. The Vegus Nerve runs down the neck, they travel into the chest and sends branches to the heart lungs and then passes through the diaphram to innervate all the organs in the body.
Talia and Armani Jackson Bring Awareness to Holistic Treatments for Mental Health Issues
Brande VictorianCurriculums:
Talia and Armani Jackson Bring Awareness to Holistic Treatments for Mental Health Issues using CranioSacral Therapy!