Research, Articles & Case Studies

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November 6th, 2018

How Tapping into ‘‘Energy’’ Can Trigger a Paradigm Shift in Biomedicine

Eric Leskowitz, MD

How Tapping into ‘‘Energy’’ Can Trigger a Paradigm Shift in Biomedicine

November 3rd, 2018

Do our bones influence our minds?

Amanda Schaffer

This article is about new ground in how researchers view the skeleton: Not only do bones provide a structural support and serve as a repository for calcium, they issue commands and talk to our brain. They also play a huge role in regulating our blood sugar. 

November 1st, 2018

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy gave my child recovery from an autism spectrum diagnosis

Emily Francis, LMT

READ this truly inspiring story presented by Emily Francis, LMT, about her daughter's incredible developmental improvement after adding CranioSacral Therapy to her treatment plan. 

October 23rd, 2018

The effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation in patents with non-specific chronic low back pain and functional constipation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Walkyria Vilas Boas Fernandes, Cleofás Rodríguez Blanco, Fabiano Politti, Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza, Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli, and João Carlos Ferrari Corrêa

The proposed study is to analyze the effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation (OVM) program on the flexion-relaxation phenomenon in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain and functional constipation. 
October 22nd, 2018

Visceral Manipulation: Fact and Fantasy

Ramona C. Horton PT, MPT

This article discusses:

  • The history of visceral mobilization (VM) as a foundational technique within the realm of osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT).
  • The anatomy of the visceral fascia, its attachment to and effect on the somatic frame.
  • Efficacy for the treatment of the fascial network throughout the body as a component of manual physical therapy.
  • Evidence as it exists for VM and the scientific rational that would support the manual treatment of internal organs within the scope of physical therapy
October 11th, 2018

The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Cancer Prognosis: A Systematic and a Comprehensive Review

Marijke De Couck, Ralf Caers, David Spiegel, and Yori Gidron

This article reviews the role of the vagus nerve in tumor modulation and cancer prognosis. 

October 10th, 2018

Cranial osteopathy for childeren with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial of the effects of cranial osteopathy on the health and wellbeing of children with cerebral palsy.

Cerebra Research Unit

Cerba asked researchers at the Peninsula Medical School to examine the existing scientific evidence on the benefits of cranial osteopathy for children with CP.

The Osteopathy for Children with Cerebral Palsy Trial (OCP Trial) examined the effectiveness of cranial osteopathy on movement, overall quality of life, sleep patterns, pain and fits in children with CP. 

October 1st, 2018


Karrie Osborne

Ricky Williams has experienced CST for himself having post concussion syndrome, discovered The Upledger Foundation and The Ricky Williams Foundation partnered to create a specific program for Football players with Intensive programs to help all post concussion players. They have found after having CST Therapy they were able to do things that they couldn't before the Therapy sessions.

October 1st, 2018

A Perfect Match: Sports Injury & Visceral Manipulation

Lorrie Harper, MSPT, CVTP

"What am I missing?" is often the question in therapists' minds when a client returns time and time again with the same sports injury. Sure, we have numerous skills to address muscle and joint pain, and we know much of it is related to structural alignment, but what else can be done?

September 28th, 2018

To Develop Professional Boundaries Means Understanding Shadow Projection

Suzanne Scurlock-Durana C.M.T., C.S.T.-D
Curriculums: Healing From the Core,

Developing strong professional boundaries is essential, and it starts with understanding shadow projection. Our unconscious thoughts and feelings often influence our perceptions and interactions with others, leading to projections that can impact our relationships and therapeutic presence.

By bringing these projections to light, we can create healthier boundaries, both for ourselves and our clients. Dive deeper into this important concept in our latest article and learn how to enhance your practice.

Read the full article here.

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