Research, Articles & Case Studies
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PT Classroom - Sports Injury and Visceral Manipulation
Lorrie Harper MSPT, CVTPCurriculums:
Many athletes suffer from recurrent injuries and persistent muscle and joint discomfort. As a hands-on therapists we know that much of it is related to structural misalignment. We have numerous skills to address muscles and joints to help our active clients; however, when they return time and time again with the same alignment problems we addressed in previous visits do we ever wonder "What am I missing?" The organs (viscera) may be the answer to that question. According to French osteopath John Pierre Barral, 90% of musculoskeletal problems have a visceral component. So how do we treat the organs? Visceral Manipulation often referred to as the missing link in manual techniques, is the answer.
The vagus nerve and cancer
David R. HamiltonCurriculums:
This article reviews 12 scientific studies, involving 1822 patients, and suggests a link between high vagus nerve activity and better cancer prognosis. The effect, the authors wrote, was most likely due to an anti-inflammatory effect created by the vagus nerve.
Generally, the paper found that the higher a persons HRV, or vagus nerve activity (also known as vagal tone), the slower the progression of cancer, and this was true for all cancers studied. The effect was especially pronounced in late stage, metastatic cancers.
Pawel DziadonCurriculums:
This Study has shown that the visceral Manipulations are likely to increase the level of serotonin as a consequence of their execution.
Future studies with a larger population can prove the validity of the thesis in this study and support the research of other authors on the effect of Visceral Manipulation on Neuroendocrine Secretion.
This study provides preliminary evidence for the influence of Visceral Manipulations on serotonin secretion due to enteric nervous system stimulation.
Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size
Abha Sharma, Colby Adams, Benjamin D. Cashdollar, Zheng Li, Nam V. Nguyen, Himasri Sai, Jiachun Shi, Gautham Velchuru, Kevin Z. Zhu, and Gerald H. PollackCurriculums:
EZ Agents
Water is the buildup of EZ honeycomb layers from hydrophilic surfaces of Nafion. Nafion contains oxygen atoms in its molecular structure and forms a template for the EZ water honeycombs. They used different types of agents including, tumeric, tylenol ,Aspirin, with EZ. It appears EZ expansion may be fundamental in overall health improvement!
Very interesting!!
Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size
Abha Sharma, Colby Adams, Benjamin D. Cashdollar, Zheng Li, Nam V. Nguyen, Himasri Sai, Jiachun Shi, Gautham Velchuru, Kevin Z. Zhu, and Gerald H. PollackCurriculums:
It is now well-confirmed that hydrophilic surfaces including those within the cell generate structural changes in water. This interfacial water is ordered and acquires features different from the bulk. Amongst those features is the exclusion of colloidal and molecular solutes from extensive regions next to the hydrophilic surface, thereby earning it the label of “exclusion zone” (EZ) water.
Stress: It's Not in Your Head, it's in your Nervous System
Melody WalfordCurriculums:
Have you ever been told when you are stressed to stop worrying and just relax? That it's all in your head? It would be nice if it were that simple. But it's not. Physiology research shows that the stress response memory lives in your nervous system. This article discusses Traumatic Memory and How to Heal it.
How Craniosacral Therapy Helped Me Deal With Anxiety
Jenna IgneriCurriculums:
How Craniosacral Therapy Helped
Me Deal With Anxiety-The lightest touch can make the biggest difference.
How Craniosacral Therapy Helped Me Deal With Anxiety
Jenna IgneriCurriculums:
This article explains Jenna Igneri's story how the lightest touch of Craniosacral Therapy can make a big difference, and how it helped her with anxiety.
Visceral Manipulation - Extremity Pain
Bill Christie, Massage PractitionerCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation Case Study
Visceral Manipulation - Fractured C1/2, Ruptured Esophagus, Right Rib Cage Pain
Claudia Mirdita, PTCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation Case Study