Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Car Accident; Neck, Low Back, and Rib Pain
Sarah Labrecque PTCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Case Study - CFS
Alison Harvey, DCCurriculums:
Visceral Manipulation Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Epigastric Pain
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Epigastric Pain
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.
Discover an Integrative Treatment Approach to Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury November 11th – 17th, 2018
Upledger FoundationCurriculums:
Discover an Integrative Treatment Approach to Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury November 11th – 17th, 2018
CranioSacral Therapy Post Traumatic Stress: Helping Veterans With Dr. John E. Upledger's Legacy
By Nancy Westphal (LMT, CST-D), Jackie Halderman ,Curriculums:
Dr. John E. Upledger, the founder of the Upledger Institute International, expressed love
and respect for veterans that was legendary. To help with the effects of combat, Dr.
Upledger developed week-long CranioSacral Therapy (CST) programs designed
specifically for veterans. Given that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has
now determined there are approximately 20 veteran suicides per day, finding and
practicing effective therapies is crucial.
Neural Manipulation Case Study – Sciatica/Chronic Headaches
Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Neural Manipulation - Sciatica/Chronic Headaches
Abstract: A
case study of a 14-year-old male runner suffering with right lower extremity
sciatic symptoms and chronic headaches that resolved after treatment to dura,
vagus, and sciatic nerve structures with neural manipulation. This case example
demonstrates the possibility of how trauma
affecting a distant region can resolve with treatment using neural
manipulation. Treatment of structures distant from pain site can have huge
implications on symptoms resolving when using the guidance of general and local
listening for treatment plan
Neural Manipulation Case Study – Elbow Pain, Weakness & Paresthesia
Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Neural Manipulation - Elbow Pain, Weakness & Paresthesia
A case study of a 30-year-old male pitcher
suffering with left elbow symptoms including weakness and paraesthesias. His symptoms
resolved with treatment of cervical spine, brachial plexus, shoulder complex,
ulnar nerve, radial nerve with neural manipulation techniques. Releasing key
areas of entrapment allowed full return to pitching and ADL’s without symptoms
Neural Manipulation Case Study – Indigestion/Hip Pain
Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Neural Manipulation - Indigestion/Hip Pain
Abstract: A
case study of a 30-year-old female with indigestion and hip pain that improved
with neural manipulation treatments. Fascial restrictions and involvement of
vagus nerve, lumbar plexus, obturator and femoral nerve appear to have been
contributing to her symptoms and decreased functional status
Neural Manipulation Case Study– Headaches/Vertigo/Anxiety/
Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Neural Manipulation - Headaches/Vertigo/Anxiety/Cervical Pain
Abstract/ Summary: A case study of a 43-year-old female suffering
with headaches, vertigo, cervical pain, anxiety after a long history of sinus
infections, allergies and mold exposure. Her symptoms improved with treatment
of cranial dura, cranial nerves, intracranial induction techniques, and neural
manipulation techniques.
Neural Manipulation Case Study – Neck & Jaw Pain
Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Neural Manipulation - Neck & Jaw Pain
Abstract: A case study of a 70-year-old female suffering with neck,
jaw pain and disrupted taste after a fall backwards and hitting her head. Her
symptoms resolved with treatment of cranial dura and nerve structures with neural manipulation.