Research, Articles & Case Studies

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June 26th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Dysphonia & Vocal Cord Dysfunction

Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Dysphonia & Vocal Cord Dysfunction

Abstract: A case study of a 21 year old male suffering with dysphonia and vocal chord dysfunction that resolved with treatment of cervical fascial, cranial dura, and cranial nerves with neural manipulation. Signs of possible vagal disequilibrium were also present and decreased after treatment of neural structures.


June 26th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Low Back Pain/Hip Pain

Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Low Back Pain/Hip Pain

Abstract: A case study of a 74year old female suffering with Low Back Pain and L hip pain that resolved using treatment techniques of visceral and neural manipulation.

June 26th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study – ADHD/Stuttering/Sleep Disturbance

Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  ADHD/Stuttering/Sleep Disturbance

Abstract: A case study of a year 17 y.o. male suffering with symptoms of ADHD, stuttering, sleep disturbance, and R A/C Jt pain that resolved with treatment of cranial sutures, dura, encephalon and associated nerve structures with neural manipulation techniques.

June 26th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Ankle Pain

Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Hip Pain

Abstract: A case study of a 50-year-old male suffering with left ankle pain after tibia and fibula fractures with surgical fixation. His symptoms resolved after manual therapy that included joint mobilization, myofascial release techniques and neural manipulation.


June 21st, 2018

CranioSacral Case Study - Autism

Tami A Goldstein, WLMT, CST

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy  – Autism

June 18th, 2018

Often overlooked glial cell is key to learning and memory

Iqbal Pittalwala

Glial cells surround neurons and provide support -- not unlike hospital staff and nurses supporting doctors to keep operations running smoothly. These often-overlooked cells, which include oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, are the most abundant cell types in the central nervous system. But these cells do more than support neurons. 

June 15th, 2018

Meniere's Disease 16 Ways the help manage this inner ear disorder

Dr. Axe

As there is no known cure for Meniere's Disease, managing troubling symptoms is key. This article explains What Meniere's Disease is, the signs and symptoms, causes and risk factors, and conventional treatment. 

June 11th, 2018

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study– Chronic Pain/Headaches

Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Pain/Headaches

Amy describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatments and final assessment. 

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