Research, Articles & Case Studies

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June 8th, 2018

Case Study 1 Pain and Pressure in Lt. ear with some TMJ crepitation and pain.

Linda Keahey-Oberdorfer, PT
Curriculums: Healing From the Core,

A case study of a 66 y.o. male with jaw pain and crepitation with jaw motion and a feeling of "fluid" in the ear. He most significantly had a reduction in his ability to hear as documented in a recent hearing test. He had a long standing history of hearing loss, but this recent diagnostic was demonstrably worse. Symptoms resolved with neural manipulation treatment. 

May 29th, 2018

How CranioSacral Therapy Activates the Body's Self-Healing

Maria Grusauskas

CranioSacral rhythm, which is separate from the breathing rhythm, separate from the heart rate. And that rhythm is the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid throughout the craniosacral system,” says Dagman. Encompassing various membranes and soft tissues, cerebrospinal fluid, and the bony structures of the spine, cranial bones and sacrum, the craniosacral system is the primary system in our body that encases and protects the central nervous system—whose function is vital to our overall health.

Dagman was born in Siberia, where, if a healer was called to a rich household and a poor one simultaneously, the healer would attend to the poorer one first. With that ethos, she often shares her gift for healing pro-bono.

May 25th, 2018

How Fascia Can Help Us Unravel Deeply Held Tension

Jessica Humphries

Once you have experienced the 

AHA  moments the accompany practices that release the bodies Fascia .

May 25th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - SI/Low back pain

Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  SI/Low back pain

A case study of a 61 year old femal suffering from SI/Low back dysfunction after a fall that developed sudden arm pain and distal weakness in her hands that revolved with treatment of neural manipulation. 

May 24th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Spinal Stenosis/Low back pain

Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Spinal Stenosis/Low back pain

A case study of a 69 year old female with spinal stenosis with leg pain and low back pain that was greatly improved with techniques of Visceral and Neural Manipulation.

May 24th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Neck Pain

Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Neck Pain

Patient is a 66 y.o. female that works as a volleyball ref with neck and bilateral UE pain which limits her ability to do her job. Her current symptoms began in Feb. of 2017 when she was using her arms to do a lot of sewing with arms held in unsupported positions as she worked.      Patient had a fall on her bike onto her Lt. arm on 06/10/17 which exacerbated her symptoms. She presented in PT on 07/03/17 with complaints of neck pain, pain into Rt. arm and pain into left arm down into hand. Pain complaint was 7 at best and 9/10 at worst in the areas noted.  She also describes frontal headaches. Her pain limits her ability to work as a volleyball ref.  Past medical history in noncontributory except for hypothyroid for which she takes meds.

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