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May 24th, 2018

CranioSacral Therapy – Parkinson’s Disease

Amanda Del Castillo LMT, CPT, CST-D

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Parkinson's Disease

Amanda describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and sums it up with the results and analysis.

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Trigeminal Neuralgia

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Manipulation and Trigeminal Neuralgia.  Trigeminal Neuralgia is a condition that can become quite debilitating. Finding a nonsurgical effective way to treat this condition would be quite welcomed. In this case study we see the effectiveness of manual therapy on the whole nervous system to reduce the tensions on the trigeminal nerve.  

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Post fracture neural restrictions of the elbow

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Manipulation and post fracture neural restrictions of the elbow. Neural restrictions can occur following a fracture and fixation following injury. Increasing the mobility of the neural structures in the area can be an important step in restoring function. This case study is a 15 month old who sustained a fracture due to a fall. Neural development at this age is very dependent on the child's ability to explore their world. Thus, it is critical to restore upper extremity Range of Motion quickly to ensure function of the arm but also continued brain development.

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Pronator Teres Syndrome

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Manipulation and Pronator Teres Syndrome. I talks about how overuse injuries can be difficult to treat. They are complicated by many adaptive responses to the tissues and altered movement patterns. This case study shows the effectiveness of neural manipulation to treat such injuries within a short time frame, to help change the movement patterns to restore a more efficient pattern with less strain in the tissues.

May 17th, 2018

Neoral Manipulation Case Study - Suprascapular Nerve Impingement

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Mannipulation and Supraxcapular Nerve Impingement. This work can help improve in impingement syndromes that can be made quickly with manual therapy on the nerve. In this case, a supra-scapular nerve impingement, first the impingement site had to be identified and released. Following this, specific, gentle treatment on the nerve itself as it passes through the area of impingement helps to restore movement of surrounding tissue, restore normal nutritive flow to the nerve and helps restore proprioceptive information about the nerve to the brain. This case study demonstrates the rapid success of such treatment.

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Plantar Faciitis

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This Barral Institute Case Study is about how Neural Manipulation can help Plantar Fasciitis, Lenora talks about Plantar Fasciitis and how it is often a chronic issue before it gets any treatment. By then, treatment can become quite difficult due to the adaptive changes. In this case study we see the impact of the plantar nerves on pain producing tensions in the foot and the effect of  neural tension on gait patterns.

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study- Pudendal Neuralgia

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This is a Barral Institute case study about Neural Manipulation and pudendal neuralgia..  It is a case study about a fall on the buttock that resulted in pudendal neuralgia and inability to perform daily activities.

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Anxious Bladder

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This is a Barral Institute Case Study about Neural Manipulation and helping an anxious bladder. Ankle sprains are a very common effect for many children, as is a bladder dysfunction of varying types. This case study showed the connection of the tibial nerve to the level of activation of the bladder.

May 17th, 2018

Neural Manipulation Case Study - TMJ Hypoglossal Nerve

Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP

This is a Barral Institute Case study about Neural Manipulation and how it can help TMJ Hypoglossal  Nerve. Lenora talks about how we see that cervical and TMJ mobility can be greatly influenced by a restriction in the mobility of the hypoglossal nerve and how immediate improvements were rendered in rage of movement of both the TMJ and tongue.

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