Research, Articles & Case Studies
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CranioSacral Therapy explores the History of your body while easing Pain and Stress
Nicole TsongCurriculums:
After several years of seeing skilled bodyworker and body experts-sometimes with pain from an injury, often without-my advise on bodywork is to go before anything hurts !!!
And if something HURTS Go NOW !!!
Chronic pain and childhood trauma
Laura KiselCurriculums:
This article discussed Chronic pain and childhood trauma, understanding the connection, and why addressing pain and trauma should so hand in hand.
Sensory Processing Disorder & Autism Parent Support
Tami Goldstein, WLMT, CST, BCTMBCurriculums:
This is a story from one of the parents of a child with Autism/ ASD & Sensory Processing Disorder that talks about recovery, and shares her daughters journey and the therapies that made a difference with Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (CST). Heather was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and presented shutting down for up to 5 days where she couldn't walk or talk. Her health picture was broad, she produced life-threatening levels of stress hormones, had 40 seizures a day, sleep issues, severe food allergies, attention deficient disorder (ADD), attention deficient hyperactive disorder(ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), obsessive defiance disorder (ODD), anxiety, depression and a very high IQ.
Cranial sacral therapy for your dog
Rachel Jones, DVMCurriculums:
Cranial sacral therapy is a gentle hands - on form of energy healing. It's very subtle and simple, yet it can have profound effects. CST is a safe and non-invasive technique that brings with it many lasting beneficial results. By partnering it with traditional and other alternative therapies, your dog's innate healing abilities can be greatly enhanced.
Casey NighborCurriculums:
In this article, we'll look at CranioSacral Therapy's effect on sensory processing disorder, a condition experienced by most people diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
Neural Manipulation Case Study - Facial Numbness
Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case study - Neural Manipulation to help facial numbness. The Patient is a 45 y.o. female referred to PT for treatment of facial numbness and tingling which is much improved with treatment techniques of neural manipulation.
This is How CST Contributes to a Conscious in Pregnancy
Carol McLellan CST CST-D, CDCurriculums:
Mom-to-be “Tracy” was experiencing
anxiety attacks during her pregnancy
and did not want to be on high doses
of medication while carrying her baby. She said she
felt that the baby’s energy was “too strong” and that
made her anxious
Carol McLellan, CMT, CST-DCurriculums:
Carol McLellan CMT, CST-D talks about how CranioSacral Therapy helps assist with pregnancy, childbirth, labor, delivery and postpartum depression or the baby blues.
Modalities: Athletic Therapists
Revelstoke Mountaineer staffCurriculums:
This article talks about how Athletic Trainers can do a variety of manual therapy modalities from CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and soft tissue release, fascial release, joint traction, trigger point release amongst many more.
Athletic Therapists help active people with the rehabilitation of both chronic and acute musculoskeletal condition.
Cranial Bone Mobility
Moskalenko and FrymannCurriculums: Healing From the Core,
Cranial bone motion has been the most controversial phenomenon of the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM), but there is ample evidence that the cranial bones do rhythmically move a small but definite amount.
Historically, cranial bone motion was considered an anatomic impossibility. Respected scientists, anatomists, and anthropologists have always assumed that the cranial bones fuse and cannot move however, a thorough examination of the experimental data gives a totally different point of view.