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January 18th, 2018

Mindfulness Is Aetna CEO’s Prescription for Success

Sandy Abrams

Soon after becoming CEO, Bertolini began Aetna's mindfulness-based wellness programs with a study. He brings those experiences with him in leading Aetna's 49000 employees with his unique sense of mindfulness and empathy. Craniosacral therapy proved to be Bertolini’s gateway into the realm of mindfulness and other forms of care.

Read his story…

January 11th, 2018

Craniosacral Therapy shows promise as concussion treatment - research

Melinda Sue Gordon

This article is about Actor Will Smith and Bennet Omalu, who played in the film concussion, with producer Peter Landersman. The film raised awareness of the issue of brain injuries in sport, particularly football. This is a study of football players who had sustained a consciousness of mild traumatic Brain injury found that Craniosacral Therapy inproved thier symptoms. 

January 9th, 2018

Can CranioSacral therapy improve symptoms of concussion and mild TBI among football players

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publis

This invited commentary references a preliminary study in which the integrative medicine technique known as CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was tested on a group of ex-National Football League (NFL) players who showed significant improvement in range of motion, pain, sleep, and cognitive function. The need for more clinical research data to better understand the potential effectiveness of CST in post-concussive syndrome, mild and more severe traumatic brain injury, and even perhaps chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is emphasized in the article published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM).

January 5th, 2018

CranioSacral Therapy- A Conversation Between Therapist and Client

Lori Leitzel Rice, LMT, CST-D

In a  CranioSacral Therapy session, listening may be the most important tool for both the client  and the therapist.  The conversation begins with spoken words between therapist and client, but then the experienced hands of the CranioSacral Therapist “listen” through layers of tissue and tension.  That’s when the story unfolds.

To fully understand why communication is essential in CranioSacral Therapy, Lori looks at the craniosacral system in the body and its impact on the body. She also talks about the birth of CST, Upledger CST and what it is.

January 4th, 2018

Safety of Osteopathic Cranil Manipulative Medicine as an adjunct to Conventional Post-concussion Symptom Management: A Pilot Study

Komal G Patel, DO, Rosanna C. Sabini DO

Patients who sustained a concussion were recruited from an outpatient clinic by a neuropsychologist specializing in concussions. All were said to have Cranial dysfunction in their concussions. They self-reported adverse events during or after 1 session. Osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine was considered safe treatment option.

January 3rd, 2018

CST and Headaches from Dental Braces

Case Studies by Dr. Weiner

This is a case history about a 14-year-old girl who had been suffering from headaches for over a year and how CranioSacral Therapy helped.

Whether a child or an adult is planning to wear orthodontic braces, CranioSacral Therapy is highly recommended as a conjoint therapy to minimize any side effects of the dental work. In fact, CST prior to receiving braces can start to correct any functional restrictions present, and in some cases, may even eliminate the need for braces!

January 3rd, 2018

CranioSacral Therapy and Autism


This is an article written by Daniela in Romanian translated to English. This is the real story of a heroine mother and her daughter diagnoses with Autism and how CranioSacral Therapy helped.


January 3rd, 2018

Terapia cranio sacrală și pierderea totală a diagnosticului de autism


This is an article written by Daniela in Romanian. This is the real story of a heroine mother and her daughter diagnoses with Autism and how CranioSacral Therapy helped

January 2nd, 2018

A Visceral Perspective

Alison Harvey DC, CST-D,BI-D, AK

In this introduction to Barral’s work Alison Harvey, a CST instructor with the Upledger Institute, who also runs the UK branch of the Barral Institute, shares some of her insights into the therapy and how it can integrate with CST.”

Stephanie Fowler (Fulcrum editor)

January 1st, 2018

Sports Injury & Visceral Manipulation


This article talks about what Visceral Manipulation is and how it can help treat sports injuries

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