Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Post-concussion story
Mariann Sisco PT, CST-DCurriculums:
Post-concussion story
by Mariann Sisco PT, CST-D
Healing GERD; just as nature designed
Kim FurtadoCurriculums:
This article talks about the natural approach
to heal reflux, GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Visceral manipulation, a form of gentle bodywork
to help alleviate GERD symptoms with a hiatal hernia.
Exploring clients’ experiences of craniosacral therapy: A qualitative study (2012)
Nicola Brough, Sarah Stewart-Brown, Antje Lindenmeyer, Jill Thistlethwaite, George LewithCurriculums:
Introduction: Current social and political factors are influencing the need for research within the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and more specifically CraniosacralTherapy (CST).CST is one of a number of‘ body based’ or energy medicine practices which aim to support the body’s natural healing mechanisms. The mindset of practitioners and their beliefs about health, illness and bodily functions are different from those of conventional medical practitioners. It was essential to identify what outcomes and changes are important to clients having CST. There is limited published literature and gaps remain in understanding and knowledge surrounding CST.
Case Series: The Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Diastasis on REcti Abdominis (DRA)
Brandi Kirk, PT, CVTP, PRPC; Teri Elliott‐Burke, PT, MHS, WCS, PRPC, BCB‐PMDCurriculums:
Case Series: The Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA)
Visceral Manipultaion Case Study - Sternal Pain
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Sternal Pain
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.
Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Coccygeal Pain
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Coccygeal Pain
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.
Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Bowel Symptoms
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Bowel Symptoms
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.
Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Atrial Fibrillation & Breathlessness
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation - Atrial Fibrillation & Breathlessness
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.
Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Shoulder Pain
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Shoulder Pain
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.
Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Acid Reflux Symptoms
Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTPCurriculums:
Barral Institute Case Study
Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Acid Reflux Symptoms
Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.