Research, Articles & Case Studies
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April 10th, 2017
Cell Therapy 2.0: Repragraming the Brain's Own Cells for Parkinson's treatment
Knvul SheikhCurriculums: Healing From the Core, Zero Balancing,
This article is about a major breakthrough that researchers show it possible to make dopamine cells from astrocytes, accelerating traditional stem cell procedures and improving disease symptoms.
April 10th, 2017
Four simple steps to Preventing Alzheimer's Desease
Michael MorganCurriculums: Healing From the Core,
Is it possible to prevent Alzheimer's disease? Research is giving us more and more reason to hope that Alzheimer's is not only preventable, but quite possibly reversible. And alternative approaches are supporting this with simple steps that can be taken. It could change your life, or the life of your loved ones.
March 30th, 2017
The Effect of Visceral Osteopathic Manual Therapy Applications On Pain
Tamer S, Oz M., Ulger O.Curriculums:
March 28th, 2017
8 Reasons Why We Need Human Touch More Than Ever
Ray WilliamsCurriculums:
Physical touch is the foundational element of human development and culture. The growing preoccupation with digital media versus personal physical contact, combined with the social and legal media versus personal contact in our schools and workplaces, may unintentionally affect these factors negatively. To foster a safe social environment in a climate of mediated communication, we should intentionally hold onto physical touch.
March 22nd, 2017
Neural Mobilization Treatment Decreases Glial Cells and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression in the Central Nervous System in Rats with Neuropathis Pain Induced By CCI Rats
Aline Carolina Giardini, Fabio Martinez dos Santos, Joyce Teixeira da Silva, Mara Evany de Oliveira, Daniel Oliveira Martins, and Marucia ChacurCurriculums:
This is a research article about nerve injury in humans that often results in persistent or chronic neuropathic pain which is characterized by spontaneous burning pain accompanied by hyperalgesia and allodynia.
These findings may improve the knowledge about the involvement of astrocytes, microglia, and BDNF in the chronic pain and show that NM treatment which alleviates neuropathic pain, affects glial cells and BDNF expression.
March 15th, 2017
Treating childhood traumatic brain injury early to avoid lifelong cognitive deficits
Medical ExpressCurriculums: Healing From the Core, Zero Balancing,
Some children with traumatic brain injury take longer to transfer visual perception information between the brain hemispheres. Special MRI scans show that these children have structural changes in their brains that result in cognitive deficits. Children with delayed visual perception as a result of serious head injuries may end up with structural changes in their brains that interrupt normal development, a new Keck School of Medicine of USC study shows.
March 15th, 2017
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) proven to relieve chronic neck pain and migraines
Sara VincentCurriculums:
A recent study has shown craniosacral therapy to be effective in improving pain intensity, functional disability, and health related quality of life. It is a non invasive approach that uses gentle manual palpitation techniques to release fascial restrictions between the cranium and the sacrum.
March 15th, 2017
How Trauma Lodges in the Body
Bessel van der KolkCurriculums:
memory is a sensory experience, says psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk. Through
his longtime research and innovation in trauma treatment, he shares what he’s
learning about how bodywork like yoga or eye movement therapy can restore a
sense of goodness and safety. What he’s learning speaks to a resilience we can
all cultivate in the face of the overwhelming events — which, after all, make
up the drama of culture, of news, and of life.
March 15th, 2017
Craniosacral therapy (CST) proven to relieve chronic neck pain and migraines
Sara VincentCurriculums:
A recent study has shown craniosacral therapy to be effective in improving pain intensity, functional disability, and health-related quality of life. It is a non-invasive approach that uses gentle manual palpation techniques to release fascial restrictions between the cranium and the sacrum
In this study, 54 patients were randomized into either 8 weekly units of craniosacral therapy or light-touch sham treatment. Outcomes were assessed before and after treatment (week 8) and again 3 months later (week 20). It was observed significant effects on reducing neck pain intensity for up to 3 months after the intervention.
March 13th, 2017
Soft Hands, Soft Words
Rob WilliamsonCurriculums:
This article talks about the therapist-healer facilitating client's transformation process through therapeutic language, imagery and dialogue.
Rob gives many examples how to dialogue with the client/patient.